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Inside everyone there lies a power,

Power of love, just need to recognise it &

we can turn this earthly-minded world into

our priceless heaven.

The omega's eyes were twinkling as the herbs started working their magic on his wound. The pack doctors used to use herbs as well, but that was about a century back. The child being so aware of all the medicinal herbs and him being able to use them successfully at his age was really shocking for the alpha. But what really shook him was the fact that he didn't just crush the herbs as people used to, no, he conjured a spell. He is Louis, isn't he. Son of Anera, so it is him who is blessed with Anera's powers before she left the God's land and melted into the single source, the almighty. Polur couldn't believe it. The Goddess had left this angel in his care, she trusted Porul with her child's safety. He was certainly going to prove her right. He had already made up his mind to treat this angel as his own child, but after knowing of his powers and existence he knew he wouldn't let anybody take the child from him. God knows what these vile creatures will do, once they get to know about his powers. Regardless of his age, he would be claimed, no one would bat an eye on his sufferings, everyone will want him for themselves. No, he can't have that, he can't have his child get hurt.

"Angel, does it still hurt?" the pup shook his head once, his eyes still on the rapidly healing wound. Porul continued "What's your name little pup?" Soft blue sapphires looked up at him. "Louis and you? what your name?" He asked, eyes full of curiosity, besides that there was also a knowing look. He knew why he was here, he knew this was going to be his house from now on until he moves into his mate's house, he knew what his mother planned for him. "My name is Porul, little darling, you will be living here from now on. I know you are already aware of that, aren't you?" He got a nod in reply but this time it was accompanied by a smile. So sweet. The Gods must have taken their time in making him. His child was the epitome of beauty. Oh how he wanted the child to address him as father, wanted to read him bedtime stories and play his favourite games with him, hell he'd even dress himself in frocks and play house with him if his angel asked even once. He craved being a father. Two years worth of pain, such agony, had his alpha grovelling on his knees, begging for his loved ones back. But now, he knows his agony ends here, Louis will make his pain subside, Louis will patch him up.

A soft sound resonated in the household, making the omega's ears perk and the alpha to let out a threatening growl. He failed his family once, he will not do it again. He will protect Louis with all his being. He stopped himself from roaring as he sensed no danger but a sweet rosemary scent and looked to his side. Bright blue eyes were looking at the pair in a curious manner. He let his alpha relax. "You can come out, Niall. He is no danger." The omega whose gaze was glued to his wound which was slowly fading, fell upon the soft looking blonde omega. Louis watched, amazed as the blonde, Niall, let out a giggle. "I know, Sir, he's cute. Cute beings aren't danger to anybody." Niall said, still giggling.

"Now, that's where you are wrong child, Beauty isn't, wasn't and should never be used as an identification of potential incoming danger. Soft looking omegas can still be lethal. Madam was an omega, don't you remember? And let me tell you darlings, she was just like a hurricane. Could take your father, Denil, down in sword fighting. Extremely challenging, that one." Porul sighed, there was a distant look in his grey eyes. Louis knew about his loss, his mother had told him everything about him and his life before leaving Louis at Porul's doorstep. He felt his heart ache for the man. He wished to see every living soul on this planet to be happy with the biggest smile on their faces. He walked towards the man and lightly tugged his shirt. Porul snapped out of his daze and looked at the angel asking for him to kneel. He would live at his angel's feet without a single complaint. "Yes, darling." He smiled wanting to hear the melodious voice.

"Everything will be fine, Sabor" and just like that, Porul believed him as he crushed the little beauty into his chest wanting to not get up from his dream, if it was one. He had called him Sabor, The God's children call their father it. He couldn't believe his ears or his destiny for that matter. The past two years have been extremely tough for him, nothing had been able to put him at ease but somehow this little thing's words comforted his heart enough to believe in life once more.


"Louis! Omega, where are you?! Gods why does this omega have to get up earlier than every rational being on this planet? What does he even do getting up this early? Don't tell me he's mental, you know what, now that I think about it, he does in fact have some sympt-" Niall stopped his daily dose of rant and spared the Gods' ears for once. It was a regular occurrence, his best friend of ten years would get up before everyone does and would wander off to somewhere else. After getting to know about the little prince's daily get aways, Porul grew worried and asked his best friend and his only friend, Niall to look for the reason behind the wandering omega. He didn't trust his alphas and even betas with his child. Which is why, here he was, looking for the said omega in the greenhouse. It had been an hour searching for him in the mansion and the greenhouse was the only place left for him to look.

He opened the door slowly and immediately a sweet smell was all he could smell. He felt his face heat up, could actually feel smoke coming out of his own ears when he saw the omega sitting down and watering the plants, was he talking to them? I knew it, he is mental. Gods my only friend in this cruel world is missing a screw. Why me Gods? Why me? "LOUIS!" the Lous shrill of his voice scared the pretty omega who clutched his rapidly thumping chest. "Niall, shush, why would you scare me like that?" He whispered with his eyes all big.

"So this is what you do getting up at arse-o-clock in the mornings? You talk to plants? What?" Niall was confused between being angry or laughing like a madman at his best friend. He opted for the former though. "I am the God of love, affection, health Nialler. I love my plants, they help me in treating people. They talk to me, can't just ignore them, can I? It would be super rude." Louis replied with a soft smile on his face. Why does he have to be so cute? Niall pouted but couldn't stop his smile at his friend being so kind and innocent. His friend deserved the world. But the world didn't deserve him. 

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