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A strong grip stopped him from moving any further. Louis stopped and so did his breathing. He could feel an urgency in his heart to turn around and give this man his all. Louis felt as if the hand still gripping him was burning him and through his soul. Finding a bit of courage in himself, he turned around and let his eyes seek comfort in the red carpeted floor of the stall.

A hand came up and tipped his chin to make him look up. When he did, he felt himself and his dignity crumble away into thin air. Something inside of him wanted to please the man with all his being, wanted to dedicate his every breath from then on to making this man the happiest. Louis was the kindest soul to ever exist but this was new to even him, he had never felt this way towards anyone.

"Don't avert your eyes, ever." The curly headed alpha growled shaking every cell in the sweet omega's body. Louis nodded. A nod was all he could manage, after all.

The grip on his hand vanished and the man turned around towards the counter where the waist band was put. He picked it up and walked upto his original place, in Louis' personal space once again. "Mated, fertile omegas who want to entice their alphas wear this, aren't you aware? You aren't mated." He stated, Louis noticed the man wasn't very polite, even for an alpha. He smiled at that.

After not getting any response, the alpha walked even further into Louis' space, he was so close that Louis could feel his breath hit his head. His smell feels known, it is heavenly. The alpha knelt in front of the omega and pulled him even closer. He then bunched his shirt in one hand and asked Louis to hold it up in place. He wrapped the small waist once with the cool gold chain and closed the hook. He then looked up deep in Louis' and leaned in towards his navel. Louis' breathing was laboured as he watched the alpha take the loose hook in between his pearl white teeth and clench it tight. He couldn't manage to utter a single word, his heavy breathing was the only sound in the stall. The muscles in his belly quivered at the alpha's actions. Louis could feel the light scrape from the man's teeth at his waist and he felt the muscles in his rear clench at the feeling. He could feel slick dribbling down out of his hole. Both were engrossed in each other, none was aware of the gentle eyes watching them from afar. The dame was jumping with glee upon watching the once in a lifetime scene unfold in front of her. Her friend Anera had asked her to make this happen and she was happy that she had done her part. I can't wait to wrap the babies of these two in my arms, Lords, they will be a blessing to look at. Anera will be proud. She thought smilingly and blessed the pair before leaving for the God's land.

"Harry styles. But you call me alpha from now onwards." The man- Harry ordered as he got up from his kneeling position and turned the omega towards the mirror to inspect the beauty of the delicate chain wrapped around an equally delicate, if not more, waist.

"Louis." He said in response. His mind was still processing everything that happened. He gulped air and looked towards harry through the mirror. The alpha was standing behind him, his chest touching Louis' back in an intimate manner, in a manner which isn't allowed with unmated omegas, especially in the capital of their pack, which was where they were. Their pack was the biggest and it was divided in 30 states, each of which was given to a competent and strong alpha to run properly, Porul was one of those alphas. The leader of the pack, ZOMOS was very against the evils of the world. No one was allowed to misbehave with anyone especially the omegas in their pack. Theirs was the safest pack for any individual in the world.

"Don't." Louis realised he was looking down and carefully shifted his attention on the strong alpha.

His wrist was again gripped in a rough hold. Harry leaned in once again and breathed in the sweet irresistible scent of Louis and closed his eyes. When he opened them back, his eyes shone dark and he was snarling like a beast who was trying to control his fury. He turned around and made his way towards the exit of the market all the while keeping his hold on the omega gentle but firm. Everyone bowed to him with respect and an underlying fear in their eyes. Their actions confused Louis.

"LOUIS!" a deafening scream was heard all over the market. Niall. Louis' eyes widened at that. A short blonde omega came rushing in from the large crowd. "Are you planning on giving me a heart attack, you mental omega." Niall clutched his chest while shaking his head. He was so worried when he couldn't find his best friend where he was told to wait. After looking around for almost an hour, he was starting to loose it.

Louis broke free of the hold and went towards Niall to comfort him. "I am sorry Ni Ni. I saw this belly chain and couldn't stop myself, won't do I again, I promise." Louis remembered not paying for the chain and his eyes widened as he turned around to go back and look for the lady.

"Omega yield!" Harry ordered. He told him that there was no need to pay. Louis was about to come up with a response but he was cut short by his best friend's reaction. Niall bowed to the alpha and muttered his apologies for acting so recklessly before him. A sudden realisation dawned upon him, He's the alpha. He's ZOMOS. In the kiosk, he was too dazed to recognise the name. He looked up at the looming figure from under his eyelashes and found him staring back. Louis blushed a furious red.

"Niall." two voices roared and Niall paled in response. I'm fucked. Is what ran through the blonde's mind at that time.

The three of them looked towards the source of the voices. Two alphas were stood with their arms crossed over their puffing chest. They looked as if they had been running for a while.  

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