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After adding 15 new anklets to his collection, Louis decides to put a full stop on his anklet shopping until he feels otherwise. Completely forgetting the promise he had made to Niall, he chooses to get out of the stall and move further along the passageway on the either side of which there were stalls with bright, vivid lighting offering jewellery, utensils, clothes and basically everything one would need. The air around him was starting to feel a bit thicker and denser. Louis was finding it hard to breathe and the left side of his chest was hurting. Taking in air through his mouth, he lifted his palm upto his pale pink lips and prayed a spell on it. Suddenly his palm began to glow, it almost had a rose sheen to it. Louis then placed his palm on his heart to heal whatever that was hurting him.

After praying some more, his ache subsided. But his mind was boggled with questions. Being the God of healing, Louis was always physically fit, no disease had ever touched him yet and none never will. But the sudden inability to breathe through his nose and the ache in his chest had him questioning his powers. A big stall at the end of the passage made Louis let go of his worries for the moment. He started walking in its direction, felt compelled to do so almost as if the stall was calling for him.

He stopped once he found himself standing at the doorstep and looked up only to find belly chains everywhere. The stall offered belly chains. There was an old greying dame sat at the counter, fanning herself with a hand fan made of peacock feathers. Louis felt as if he was supposed to be here, as if he was fated to come here. He shrugged the insistent thoughts away and entered in. The bell attached to the doorframe chimed, indicating the arrival of a new customer. The woman stopped fanning herself and looked up to greet whoever had come in. When her eyes fell upon Louis, her small formal smile changed into a genuine one. "Oh you! Finally." She yipped. Louis' eyebrows furrowed at that but he did manage to serve a kind smile to the woman. "Uh yes but what do you mean by that?" He asked trying not to sound rude. He was curious about the lady's strange behaviour.

"Oh nothing dear, don't fret over it." She smiled. Louis could sense mystery but there wasn't a single strand of evil in the lady's heart, he was sure of it. 'What is she hiding?' Louis thought to himself. The lady ushered Louis further inside the stall. Louis' eyes were open wide, full of wonder upon seeing the variety of belly chains, he had always wanted to wear one. His dreamy thoughts were interrupted with the sound of bells clinking, he looked up to the woman holding a golden belly chain with bells in his face. "This is very delicate, just like you. Try it dear." She smiles pushing it in Louis' face even more. 'She's a bit strange, very sweet but strange.'

Louis felt himself nod and took the dangling little piece of gold from her wrinkling but still beautiful hand. He noticed a subtle glow to her appearance as if she was ethereal

Her eyes twinkled with glee giving away an underlying motive but Louis couldn't figure out what. The lady excused herself and went towards the back of the stall. It was surprisingly big for a stall at the market. Louis waited and waited but she never came back. 'She must be busy'

Louis turned facing a ceiling to floor mirror. He bunched his shirt up to expose his dainty waist. Even for an omega, his waist was small. He unhooked the belly chain and proceeded to put it on. The cool touch of the gold made his stomach quiver and caused goosebumps to rise all over his body. After hooking the chain properly he looked at himself in the mirror. It was truly beautiful. As he was about to turn around, the chain slipped from where it was perched at the top of his hipbones. The hook was loose.

"You aren't allowed to wear one." Is all he heard. The ache that he thought had healed was back again. But this time, it was accompanied by a sweet flutter in his chest. The deep gravelly voice was unknown but yet still so known to him. His soul arched into the sound of it. He looked in the mirror but couldn't see anybody next to him. With a rapidly thumping heart, Louis turned around. Sat on a red leather sofa was a man, an alpha, with his forest green eyes focused solely on the omega. His hands were coiled into tight fists and angry pheromones were radiating off of him. Louis felt himself get affected because of the man's emotions even more than he usually gets with others.

The furious man got up from where he was sat and stalked towards the omega. He stopped once he was stood with an appropriate space left between them. "What? The little doll doesn't know he's not allowed?" He growled and inched closer to the omega. The space left was still acceptable.

Louis felt his tongue go numb, he couldn't speak. He somehow managed to nod in reply to the man's taunt. Standing in front of him, the man towered over his tiny figure. His eyes aren't forest green either, they're even better. Louis noted. His hands itched to reach out to touch the man's curly brown hair. But he chose to ignore his soul who was telling him to just jump at this man and adore and dote on him like a good omega should. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he put the chain back at the counter and turned around to leave. 

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