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'They keep blessing me with soft glances,

And I keep looking far away, imagining a home in their arms.'

"Madam, if you don't mind, may I ask something?" Rua asked.

She didn't understand why the fire goddess left her breakfast early. Anne hummed urging her to continue.

"Were you not hungry during breakfast madam?" She set the plate at the small round table bar the balcony of Anne's chambers.

"I was." Anne chuckled but continued, "Louis' offering was enough for me. The little omega possesses the purest heart in this world. Just a small portion of food offered from his hands is enough for anyone." She shook her head, smiling at the scene painted by her mind starring her son and Louis being each other's anchor and safe haven.

Meanwhile, in the dining room, the air had thickened with discomfort and anxiety as the Alpha kept staring at the omega who was sat opposite to him, the seating arrangement putting him on clear display.

Louis gulped and risked a look towards the alpha only to find him still staring at him. Harry's eyes hardened before he pushed his plate away and got up to leave.

"Don't throw it away please, Laili." Louis murmured as soft as possible, wanting for only Laili to hear. But the stiffness of the alpha's back before he turned around with a deadly glare set on his face communicated to Louis that his personal help wasn't the only one who heard him.

"And why should she not?" Heavy steps followed the taunting voice of the alpha, nearing towards the now still omega.

Louis took a breath before looking at the shivering Laili. The scent of an irritated alpha made its way to his nose and he ducked his head down. Harry bent down at the waist and his looming figure was soon pressed to the back of Louis' chair. He looked at the small twitching fingers curled around the spoon and smirked before pressing his nose to the back of the omega's neck.

Louis' skin prickled as he involuntarily tried nuzzling more towards the alpha's warmth. Strong veiny arms were put on the omega's delicate ones before they started travelling down and finally entangled with Louis' small fingers.

The alpha rubbed his nose insistently at the end of the omega's ear as if wanting to have more access to the soft body. "Omega, you never answered me." Harry hummed with his eyes closed and nose still pressed to the smooth skin of Louis.

Louis shivered and closed his eyes. The lack of any reply from the omega's side fuelled the blooming irritation that the alpha was trying hard to suppress.

The callous fingers tightened their hold as the alpha's lips lightly brushed the shell of the omega's ear. "Omega, did you cook the food?" He whispered. The proximity and the tight hold caused the omega to gasp softly. Louis looked up to see the dining room empty as everyone had already excused themselves and the food was still on the table.

"N-No." Louis stuttered.

The alpha lightly graced his left hand towards the nape of the omega. Louis sighed only to later gasp loudly in pain as the alpha took a hold of his soft hair and yanked his head back.

"Stop. It's hurting me." Louis said struggling against the looming figure of the alpha.

"Do you think of me an idiot? I know there is no new servant. I won't repeat myself. Tell me, did you cook it?" Harry snarled and pressed his nose even more at the junction of the omega's neck.

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