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'Either let me drown in my sorrows or take me with you to the ends of earth,

Either hold me in your arms and never let go or be the cause of my demise.'

As the light music that was playing in the background slowed down, Louis opened his eyes. On the way back home he had fallen asleep with his head resting at the cool surface of the glass window. He felt exhausted. When he looked up at the entryway of his house, he saw Porul standing there with a worried expression etched on his face. Porul had aged quite well. At forty nine, he only had a few greys in his hair which didn't really bother him. They suited him.

Louis' father wrenched the car door open, for a second Louis was worried the door would come loose because of the sudden force. "Lou, I was so worried. Where were you? You should've told me you wanted to go somewhere, I would've taken you." He beseeched.

"I'm absolutely fine, Sabor. Please calm down." Louis soothed. His soft voice somehow made his father calm down a little. But a frown was still there on his face.

"Louis William Tomlinson, you have to answer me. And have you been crying? What happened? Tell me." This time Porul was extremely serious. He couldn't see his angel cry.

"Umm Sabor, I promise, I will tell you everything. But you have to promise me that you won't get upset." Louis bargained. Even though, the alpha had been nothing but mean to him, Louis still wanted him to be happy. Although, he knew that Porul could try but he won't be able to do anything to Harry as he is the alpha of all alphas, but Louis still didn't want any problem in the alpha's life. He wished only happiness and love for Harry.

When Porul went on to object, Louis joined both his palms together in a pleasing fashion and gave him his puppy dog eyes. His father just groaned and shook his head before going inside the house asking his son to follow him to the hall.

"Lou sit, and tell me everything. I don't want you to keep anything from me." After a few minutes he added "And I promise to not get mad."

Louis smiled a genuine smile before proceeding to tell him everything. He saw Porul's eyes widen at the mention of Harry's name. Porul knew how he was. Harry, the alpha of their clan was extremely powerful, he was the god of wrath and power. He knew that harry was ruthless but he never expected him to talk to his son in such a vile manner.

Upon hearing about what happened, Porul let out a defeated sigh. He was brimming with suppressed fury but he also had a sense of knowing. He was well aware of the fact that he wouldn't be able to do anything to him. He felt like a good-for-nothing father who couldn't even take a stand for his own son.

Louis knew exactly what was going through his father's head. He was devastated to see him like this.

"Its alright, Sabor. I am okay now. Don't fret on it." He eased the worry lines on his father's forehead with his gentle touch.

Porul looked down at where his son was sitting. Louis, even after going through all that trauma, was sitting here comforting his father. My son truly amazes me with his kind words, his heart and soul. I must have done innumerable good deeds in my past life to have deserved Louis as my child. His Louis wasn't like other children, he was very wise, gentle, loving towards everyone. There were times, when Porul would worry for hours on end for his son. He was worried about his son's future alpha. Wanting only the best for his child, Porul knew that nobody was deserving of his son. Everybody had their imperfections and his son deserved somebody whose imperfections, faults, issues won't ever be the cause of his hurt.

I don't know what lies in you fate, son. But, If there's one thing I am certain about, it's that you are going to get the world that you deserve, you are going to get the happiness and love that you want. Maybe this is what Goddess Anera meant to convey to me through a dream. 

How was this chapter? Please comment to let me know about your views on how it's going so far. I'd really appreciate it if you lovelies will comment and let me know if there are any grammatical mistakes.

All the love,
Y :)

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