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'Love clenches onto you, doesn't ever let you go

Love tears at you flesh and you relish in the pain'

Porul would've been shocked if he didn't know Louis and how his son could sacrifice so much for others. He wasn't worried about being banished not only from his pack but from the whole clan. He didn't care if he had to be banished from every clan that existed just to see his son happy.

But he knew what made Louis take this decision. He had made this decision for his father.

Porul wanted to tell him not to worry and change his decision. But couldn't, since he knew that this was how it was supposed to be. Louis belonged to Harry. And that is that. No-one and nothing can change his destiny.

He sighed and hugged his child closer to him. He just wanted his son happy, is that too much to ask for?

Louis pulled away from the hug and wiped his father's cheeks' clear of any tear. He nodded once at Porul to silently let him know that his decision was made and he won't be changing his mind on this matter. Porul let his eyes fall to the ground, he felt dejected.

The omega then turned around and let his unshed tears fall before wiping them away. He didn't want his father to see him upset so he made his way to his room. After getting in his room, he went to lock the door behind him. As he turned to do so, he felt a strong pair of arms grab his waist roughly. The blouse that he was wearing only arched till his midriff, showcasing his waist. He felt goosebumps rise on the skin which was being touched to brazenly by someone.

Louis' eyes widened when he recognised the smell. Harry.

He let out a loud gasp before pushing away from the body holding him so tightly but to no avail. Then he heard Harry take a whiff from the back of his neck. The alpha was so close. And the Omega in him was rolling in need to lean back into the touch and let the alpha do whatever he pleased with him.

Then, he was roughly being turned around and slammed into the door. Louis yelped as the slam wasn't really painful, just very surprising and he was taking a lot of time to register things.

He looked up and found forest green eyes staring at him and suddenly every emotion came rushing to him. All those emotions that he had felt in the past two years hit him like a train and he did exactly the opposite of what his inner omega wanted to do to the Alpha. He slapped him.

The sound of the slap echoed in the room. Harry's face was turned away from the force of the hit. The alpha in him wanted to just pounce on the omega and make him submit. When he looked back at the omega with fury evident in his now black eyes, he saw the omega's eyes well up with tears as he stared back at him.

Harry's hold on the omega's waist tightened. Bruises were a given with Louis, since his skin was very delicate.

"Don't ever do that again, omega. I am not a very patient person." Harry leaned into Louis' personal space.

"What was your decision?" Harry asked.

Although he was extremely clear in his decision, he didn't want the Alpha to think that he had got his way.

"No." And suddenly one hand was lifted from his waist while the other tightened its grasp a bit more making Louis wince in pain. The void of one hand was filled with the presence of the sharp point of iron. A dagger.

Louis gasped as the alpha slowly trailed the dagger from his waist to his neck, tipping his head up to look at Harry. The drag was torturously slow and it made Louis' heart beat very fast and his breathing to quicken.

"Porul is a nice alpha, my father was the one who had assigned him the responsibility of this pack. He is fearless and protects the pack really well. I am impressed but his inability to teach his son how to behave like an omega is very infuriating. So, I don't think the pack needs an alpha who doesn't even know how to take care of his pup. I think they wouldn't mind if I just put an end to his life right here, right now." Harry drawled, his voice very deep and intense.

"You wouldn't dare." Louis's eyes widened as fear beyond belief crept in his mind.

Harry smirked and pulled away from him. The absence of the alpha from the personal space had the omega take a deep breathe of relief.

When harry turned around to deliver on his words. Louis grabbed his wrist with both his lithe hands. The alpha turned around and his eyes zeroes in on Louis.

"I accept. Please don't do anything to my Sabor." Louis pleaded with tears rolling down his cheeks. He let out a sob when the alpha's rough palm came up to wipe at them. Louis let him.

And then Harry was turning around. "Pack your bags. We're going today." 

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