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"S-sorry sir. I didn't mean to si-" the boy was silenced by an impatient growl coming from the huffing alpha. After looking one last time to make sure he was unwanted in the room, he made his exit as fast as possible.

Louis looked at the door closing with pitiful eyes.

"Feeling sorry for the runt, are you?"

Louis looked at the alpha, with disbelief evident in his eyes. "He's not a runt."

"He's a disgustingly fearful runt. One you should never talk more than necessary with."

"What's going on here?" In walked a beautiful woman with her brunette hair up in a professional knot. Her red dress, too long to stay off the ground, flowing like a wave of fire behind her.

The smooth voice stiffened the alpha's back. In that moment, he would've been best described as the epitome of rigidity, pure arrogance.

"Harry, dear, what's wro-" she is cut off by the sight of an omega, Louis, standing beside her son. She smiles knowingly.

Her smile reminded Louis of his mother. Kind and captivating.

"And who do we have here?" Mirth danced in her eyes. She had known about the pairing, as she was a goddess herself, goddess of Fire. Anera was her closest friend. They had planned this all together.

Louis sensed the power emanating in the room, indicating that the woman in front of him wasn't an ordinary human, but a goddess instead. He bobbed a curtsy to her illuminating presence.

"Oh dear, don't bother with the formalities. A hug will be just fine from my son's future omega"

Louis' eyes widened drastically and a loud cough was heard from behind him. He turned around to look at the alpha who apparently seemed unfazed by what the lady had said.

"Harry, how many times do I have to tell you to quit with this attitude of yours?"

Louis turned his head towards the goddess and upon seeing how she was scolding her son, let out a giggle. The sweet sound of the little giggle amazed the other two people in the room. The awe was evident on the lady's face. While Harry quickly hid his fond expression behind his usual stoic face.

"Never knew a laugh could be that ugly."

"Harry!" The lady shouted indignantly.

Louis eyes watered after seeing the look of absolute disinterest on the alpha's face. He had been so tired from getting here, had been emotionally hurt so much in just a single day that he couldn't even try to defend himself. He was exhausted from this situation. Exhausted from being here, in the alpha's vicinity.

He curtsied the lady once more and turned around towards the direction Timaer had disappeared in, all the while keeping his head low. He heard a growl and heavy footsteps behind him which suddenly stopped. He didn't wait to find out what stopped the alpha from chasing him down to hell and continued his way into the palace like mansion.

The gold, white sometimes a touch of darker colours entranced him. The guards outside every door that passed him, bowed down in respect and the helps all looked at him in amazement and curtsied before getting back to their work giggling in awe of the omega's beauty. Still he didn't feel welcome here, not because of the guards, the helps, the interior, no. He felt suffocated in the massive space because of a certain alpha who despised his presence for a reason unknown to Louis but yet had dragged him here, away from everyone he loved.

The gold and off-white floors reflected his presence and the chandeliers attached to the ceiling of the hallway were placed at short intervals. The place resonated luxury only Gods could afford.

Following the gold detail on the ceilings, the omega made his way through the massive hallway. Making a sudden stop at a wall, Louis came across the wall containing all the family members' photos.

He could only recognise one, the lady-Harry's mother.

'Why isn't harry in any of these?'

A little was heard from behind him, making the omega flinch.

"Oh I'm sorry, dear. Didn't mean to scare you." Harry's mother spoke.

"It is alright." He smiled genuinely at her.

"Looking for Harry?" She asked. There was some sadness floating in her eyes, unbeknownst to the small omega.

"No...I mean, he has better things to do than see me." Louis offered a weak smile. Saying that, acknowledging the fact that his soulmate hated him felt like thousand needles pricking him at the same time.

"He's too arrogant for his own good, but I meant in the frames darling." Her eyes crinkled as if she knew something no one else did.

Louis cheeks reddened and he nodded shyly.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh dear, excuse me for not introducing myself properly. I am Anne, Harry's mother." She smiled showing her white teeth. Her eyes a brilliant brown.

"Hello, I am Louis." Louis looked down.

"Oh what gorgeous eyes you've got here. Oh how beautiful my grandchildren are going to be." She sighed already dreaming about little feet padding all over the house.

Louis choked on air and it started a coughing fit. Anne quickly came back to her senses before she started patting the omega's back.

"I apologise, I have made it a habit of speaking out of the blue. Don't mind me, dear." She said.

Louis nodded and smiled in her direction after his coughs stopped to let her know that it was alright.

'Children. I love them. I'd love to have a pup someday. But the people here shouldn't expect them from me as I won't bear any of Harry's.' Louis thought to himself. He had let Harry take him away from his family, but if there was one thing he wouldn't let the man claim would be his dignity.

A/n :

How was this chapter y'all?
I've been absolutely flooded with work and I had forgotten how much I adore this story. Today when I was writing this update, I just imagined myself in Lou's place, How I would've felt If I were in his shoes? I prolly would've cried a lot and kicked Haz's arse before crying again.

HAHA I would've been a mess. Lou's been handling it rather nicely. don't ya think?

The pic above could be used as a visual description of the hallway that I talked about in this chap. But still it isn't better than my imagination haha.

Anyways....I hope you all enjoyed this lil something. I enjoyed writing it, that's for sure.

Take care you beauties,

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