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Louis was never a fan of goodbyes. All of them, whether temporary or long-lasting, hurt. If someone would've asked him to put his feelings in words when he was sitting in the intimidating car with the equally intimidating, if not more, man, he'd cry his eyes out. Louis knew that this was his fate and he felt extremely powerless just looking out the window, watching his pack boundaries come closer and closer.

He'd take his heart out and crush it if only to stop feeling so miserable about his life. He was a Goddess's child, was a god himself, yet, he was feeling as if he didn't have even an ounce of control over his life. The alpha hadn't even once looked at him, had only snarled once to show his annoyance towards the despondent omega.

"Stop whining." Harry's snarl was enough to quiet the sobbing omega. Louis rolled his eyes at the alpha, the process making unshed tears fall on his pale cheekbones.

"Roll your eyes at me one more time, I dare you." Harry said. Louis' eyes widened, the alpha had seen him doing that, oh well. With quivering lips, he muttered a small apology.

After a few minutes of bearing the awful silence, the car came to a screeching halt. Louis looked around and saw large intimidating stone walls surrounding the land too large to remain bare and useless. 'Flowers would make this place look so pretty'. The loud slam of the door brought Louis out of his trance. Harry had already gotten out of the car and was making his way towards a visibly shaking boy who was wearing a red and black livery uniform. His shaking form arose pity in Louis' heart. The alpha had to truly be a monster, if his servants who were probably used to his presence grew this nervous when he came around. Louis saw him nodding his head frantically before Harry walked off.

The boy ran towards Louis' side of the car and pulled the door open for him. Although, Louis was confused about his surroundings, the alpha's behaviour, the servant's fear but he still jumped out of the car and followed the boy to wherever he took him.

They were walking on the ground which was too big and a massive building surrounded it from three sides. There was an actual pond on the property which was also dried, no flowers, no grass, just large rocks surrounding the big pond. Except the massive building and the large unused land, only big daunting trees were noticeable about that place. Louis desperately wanted to plant thousands of colourful flowering plants and have a large greenhouse to grow his own vegetables and fruits. But he wouldn't let me, this arrogant alpha probably loves this dark and intimidating space; it suits his personality. Louis looked around to make sure harry was nowhere near them and then he rolled his eyes.

'Everyone loves flowers and if they don't, they should. Because flowers are lovely.'

"They are, indeed, very lovely, sir." Louis was shocked to hear the voice of the boy who was guiding him towards the building. He didn't know he said that out loud. Louis thanked the Gods & goddesses for the alpha to not be present there at that moment. Surely he would've yelled at the omega about that as well.

Louis smiled at the boy, "what's your name?"

"Timaer, sir." His tone polite and professional.

"Hello, I am Louis Tomlinson." Louis offered his hand in greeting.

The boy looked at Louis' hand and after a moment of hesitation, raised his hand to shake the omega's. The boy's spine stiffened when he heard a low growl resonate next to him and his hand stilled in the air. He looked beside him to find Harry with his eyes glowing, the alpha then smacked his hand away from the omega.

"He's not yours to touch."

How was this y'all???!

I know, I promised quicker updates but gosh I've got another set of exams coming for meeeee! But I promise to update sooner from now on.

Btw I hope you liked this one. 

Thanks for liking this as much as I do. 


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