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"You forgot one thing pretty." Niall smirked knowing exactly how flustered his best friend is going to get. "You're the god of fertility" He wiggled his eyebrows at the tiny 19 year old. As expected, the omega blushed and ducked his head a little. "Shush you." he mumbled. This innocence and his unforgettable beauty had lured many alphas in the last decade, Niall had to chase away all of them as his best friend was so unaware of the fact that every single one of those alphas wanted him for themselves. He was so naive. He still is.

"Why do you blush every time Lou, this is your power, Own it!" Niall winked. Was it possible for the omega to blush more than he already was? Louis pouted and squinted his eyes at Niall. "I hate you Niall." This made Niall laugh, his best friend couldn't hate anybody even if he wanted to. "Aww Lou Lou, really? You wound me. Do you know what happens when I am upset?" Niall tried to mimic Louis' soft voice. The omega furrowed his eyebrows but something must have clicked in his head as he giggled and took off. "No! Niall, no tickles." His giggles were accompanied by the sweet sound of his anklet bells. Louis loved his anklets, he had lost the count of them 5 years back. Every time Porul goes out of town, he brings home several pairs for the omega. The sight of anklets never failed to bring a blinding smile on his child's face and he wanted Louis to always wear that smile.

"Okay, Lou. I give up. I've eaten a lot of the cupcakes you made. I can't run after you without feeling the need to vomit everything I have consumed since birth till date. You win, no tickles for you." Niall huffed. Louis did a little victory dance which made the two break into fits of laughter. "Niall, can we go to the market in the city?" he asked. Niall was about to say no and serve him the legitimate reason of Porul not being here and how dangerous it could be for them but couldn't since Louis decided to pull out the big guns. He pulled his best 'I'm so cute I could ask you to kill a whole pack and serve me their heads as breakfast and you would happily oblige' face. This face worked on everyone and unfortunately Niall wasn't an exception. In fact he was the one against whom this face was usually used. Despite it having an almost regular appearance, he still hasn't found a single bone in his body to finally be able to refuse those eyes.

"Ugh Lou, okay. What do you want to buy anyways?" Niall groaned. He hated the idea of shopping especially if the market is in the city. The alpha there was said to be ruthless. He was wild, just like one would be if they lose their mate, but more. He was ZOMOS, the son of Amro, the god of wrath and power. He was the epitome of danger. Niall pitied the alpha's future mate.

"Anklets, Niall" Louis had this 'duh' face which made the blonde chuckle. "You crazy omega, you have so many anklets already. Why buy more?" Niall asked which made the omega bat his arm "But I love them Niall, they sound pretty" Louis was impossible to deal with when it came down to his plants and anklets. "Just like you Lou, just like you" Niall said almost in a daze. He had this weird feeling that something wasn't right. That feeling was so overwhelming that he felt the need to clutch his beast friend's arm and pull him into his arms, he felt like a mother bear who is trying her best to protect the child from everyone's evil and hungry eyes.

He shook that feeling away because he knew how Louis reacts whenever he sees someone in distress and smiled down. Niall was a twenty one year old and this year would be the one where he would have to go to the Choosing Ceremony. It is a ceremony where omegas and alphas of age meet and choose their partners. To say he was worried for his best friend would be an understatement. He couldn't even imagine being away from the pretty omega for too long. Niall could just wish that everything that happens will happen for good.

"Alright Lou Lou, let's go!" He jumped with his arms in the air making the omega giggle uncontrollably. 

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