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It's been two years since that incident at the market. Two years since Niall disappeared from Louis' life. Two years since any contact with his blonde best friend. Two years since he saw Harry.

Time changes everything, doesn't it? It does but it doesn't heal you. Time never takes away the pain. You just get better at ignoring it after sometime. But the pain, the wound, the longing never really goes away.

Louis wasn't worried about his friend as he knew that Niall was with his alphas and would probably be happy. He just missed him. Louis sighed and continued preparing medicinal herbs for his patients.

Inner wounds rarely ever heal but those on the body are very much healable. Since, Louis has the power to heal anything, he had decided to be of service to the people of the pack. He had wandered off outside his house after a few days of coming back from the market and had found a house that wasn't under any use and had chosen to make that place his clinic.

Draped in an elegant short sleeved blouse and a flowy skirt that fell around his ankles, Louis was humming a song quietly as he made his way to the crying toddler who was thrashing in his mothers arms.

He cooed and continued humming the song in order to distract the child. And it did happen. The child stopped his thrashing and his facial muscles relaxed as he went completely lax in his mother's arms. The said woman snapped his head up at Louis with comically wide eyes with her mouth hanging open.

"You're an angel." She whispered. She knew whose clinic this was. Everyone knows Louis and his god status. But she didn't know that this god would be so beautiful and his hum would be able to stop her child who never listened, never behaved. She was in shock of the beauty siting opposite her who was busy putting the paste on her son's hurt knee. The little boy who was crying a second ago had gone completely still with his eyes curiously watching the omega work his magic on his knee which already had stopped hurting. Both of the wolves were in awe of the god sitting just a few inches away from them.

Louis gave her a shy smile in return and got up from his position to put away the now empty bowl. The little boy started with his thrashing again. "A-ANGIE! I WANT ANGIE." He shouted in a shrill voice. His mother was trying to comfort him but the boy was almost out of control. She looked towards Louis, seeking help.

Louis smiled and made his way to them. He hummed a different song and lightly patted the child's head. And once again the boy was completely still watching him in amazement.

"Angie." He whispered and Louis lightly brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Yes, love." The boy pointed at him and said "You are angie."

Louis smiled once he understood that the boy had called him an angel and kissed his forehead. "No, love. You are an angel." When the boy went on to protest but stopped when he saw the sad look in his angel's eyes. He reluctantly nodded, "Ok. I and you are angies."

Louis fondly shook his head and kissed him on the cheek when his mother stood up with the wailing child on her hip. He clearly didn't want to leave and would've probably made a ruckus had Louis not shook his head at him before telling him that he needs to go home and heal for his 'angie'.

The boy was pouting, clearly upset with having to leave but nodded nonetheless. His mother giggled and introduced herself to Louis as 'Kumaya' and his son as 'Shiva'.

Shiva waved at him all the way until Louis was no longer visible to him and Louis fondly waved him back the whole time. He loved children and apparently children loved him just as much. He sighed happily and went back to his huge table where the majority of his herbs were put.

Louis may seem happy to all but his eyes always failed to conceal his feelings. Even the little boy had caught onto the sadness swimming in his ocean eyes. He shook his head disappointedly and leaned his head back to stop his tears from flowing. He missed his friend, he missed his loud cackles and his sailor mouth. He wished everything to go back to how it was. He wished to get his friend back. Although, Harry had hurt him, a lot. He couldn't stop himself from wishing for just a single peak of the mighty alpha.


After tending to the last of his patients for the day, Louis rearranges everything to where they were put. "Shall I lock the clinic up now, sir." The gatekeeper asks.

"Its Louis, Alan. And yes, you shall." Louis replied politely. Alan was a middle aged beta who was appointed as the gatekeeper of the clinic.

Alan gave him a polite nod and went on to lock the doors. Louis walked out of the main gate towards his house. The clinic was just a five minute walk from him house. He hummed a song as he walked.

When he reached his house, he felt a pull at his heart which left him confused. He had felt this before. The felling, the pull was same as when he had met harry in the market, just a lot less painful. He ignored the feeling and went inside. Feeling knackered, he had decided to go straight to bed but one look at his father sitting on the couch in the living room clutching something to his chest had him stop in his tracks.

"Sabor?" He called. Porul looked up from the floor with tears swimming in his eyes. Louis gasped as he moved as fast as he could towards Porul.

"Sabor? What happened? Why're you crying?" Louis's eyes also well up. He couldn't bear seeing anyone cry, and this was his father who never cried, always hid his feelings. He hugged his father tightly and rubbed his palms with his small hands.

"Tell me, please." He pleaded.

Porul gave him the letter that he was holding so tightly to his chest. Louis was beyond confused. He looked at the letter questioningly. All his unasked questions were answered when he read what was written in the letter.

Louis W. Tomlinson, son of Porul Tomlinson is to be mated to Harry. E. Styles.

Porul let out a loud sob and clutched Louis to his chest. He couldn't bear to see his Louis leaving him, the person who loved him like his own blood. More so, he couldn't see his child be mated with the monster who treated him like nothing. Porul did respect the alpha, of course, the clan has been the safest under his rule. But the sadness pooling in his child's eyes everyday made him change his views on the alpha's personality.

Porul knew that this is what Anera wanted as she had whispered in his dream the night Louis had come back from the market with tears running down his beautiful face.

'Just like how the light and darkness belong together, Porul, Leora belongs to the darkness. Louis belongs to Zomos.' These words were echoing in his mind as he silently begged Anera to reconsider her decision. He knew that Louis was her child that she loved dearly and she wouldn't just give her son to someone without thinking way ahead. This is what the Gods want. This is what his destiny is.

He understood the purpose of this mating but that didn't change the fact that the alpha hadn't done any deed to deserve his child as of yet.

Louis was shaking with fury when he read the next words.

If this proposition is not accepted then Louis W. Tomlinson will be kept confined in the royal palace and the alpha of the pack, Porul will be banished from the clan.

He scrunched the letter in his little fists and threw it on the floor before stomping on it just for an added effect. Porul shook his head and let a few more tears fall before wrapping his kid in his arms.

"I accept." Louis hiccupped with sad evident in those blue orbs.

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