They never truly care, he know that very well. No one ever tell him that they are proud of him, never...
His family was greet..
Perfect..But no one knew about this, about what Tommy's life looked like. Loving father and greet brother, that was what he wanted, but there was so many lie.
Philza never was there for him, he acted like Tommy was invisible. Techno betreyed Tommy and Wilbur is now Ghostbur. He didn't feel loved..On way he come to say that he finished his hotel, he clearly didn't see it yet, he though they would be happy and proud..
"Dad, Techno! I finished my Big Innit Hotel!" He said happily entering Techno's house.
"It would be nice, if it was actually true" his father said, staring at the book. He didn't believe him, he didn't even looked up at his son...
"It is true! You can go with me to see it!" He yelled, Philza only nodded and ignored his young son.
"Stop lying Tommy and don't raise your voice at Phil" his older brother said, walking into room.
Tommy's eyes teared up a little but he managed to wipe them away. He went to the door and straight to his Best friend, his dearest person.
Tubbo was with him, comforting Tommy and was helping with task from Sam Nook. Sam Nook, he really liked him, he was reminding him about his past with Wilbur. It was always calming him down and making him feel better. He didn't say that, but he enjoyed talking to Sam."Don't be upset Toms, they don't deserve you.." Tubbo was hugging Tommy, while comforting him.
He knew how he fells about his family, he was angry at them. Tubbo shoved his hand through blond haired boy and patted his back.
"It's okay. Bow go to Sam Nook, he wanted to talk with you." Older boy said, letting his friend go.
He only waved at him and went to Sam. Sam Nook was standing in front of his hotel, it was big and beautiful. He gasped and run straight to Sam. He was very happy and glad, that Awesamdude had done that for him.
"Hello Tommyinnit. Your hotel is finished and I hope you like it" his calm voice said.
"I love it dad!" He yelled and hugged Sam, yet he realized what he said to him. Sam's eyes widened at this nickname.
"I-im sorry! I didn't mean to call you tha-"
"It's okay Tommy, you can call me a dad. I've wanted to talk to you about that, I want to adopt you." Tommy was smiling really bright and he started jumping around his new dad.
"Would you do that for me?!" He asked looking at Awesamdude in his real form.
"If it's not pro-" Tommy cutted him of, by jumping on him and hugging him even more.
"Alright alright, now let's see your hotel and choose your room, son."
Creeper man was smiling under his mask, he liked to see Tommy smiling at everything and everyone. This kid is suppose to be happy and live his life, not fight and see death. There is only one thing left to do, talk to Phil...
After some time They walked around all of the rooms and Tommy choose his room, the biggest one with beautiful view at everything around. Awesamdude had a room next to his along with bathroom and some small kitchen. They are family now, a happy and full one.
Phil and Techno was walking around, when they saw a big building. There was a wards saying "Big Innit Hotel", they were shocked. So Tommy really build a hotel?
"Oh, hello there Phil and Techno" they heard behind them.
When they turned around they saw Tommy with Sam. Tommy was hiding behind his father posture, while he was standing and looking at this two.
"Hello Sam and son" he said, Tommy didn't like that.
"Tommy, go to our hotel and wait for me in my room. I need to talk to them, be careful son." He said to his son.
Phil and Techno was speechless. Did Sam just called Tommy a son?!
"Sa-" Techno couldn't finish his words, cause Awesamdude took out his sword.
"Listen, I don't give a f*uck about you guys. Tommy is now my son because you didn't love him much enough. You didn't believe that he is building a huge hotel. Now it's too late, he is mine son and Is will kill you if you hurt him. So stay away from us and our hotel." He said angrily and went to big red and grey hotel.
He was right, they didn't do anything for the youngest boy in their family. They treated him like air.

Tommyinnit One shots
FanfictionTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...