Welcome home Theseus

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Tommy couldn't take it anymore, he was done. He decided it would be the best to go to Techno, but it's far away. He packed the things that Dream didn't blow up and put them in a bag, he was ready.

After collecting some food he went to his brother home. It was very cold and snowy, but he can't give up, not yet. There's only one problem, how will his brother react? Will he kill him or maybe tell Dreams where he is? He didn't know, but if he won't try, he's not gonna know.

His steps was fast covering by snow, if he wanted come back, he couldn't. It was just him and moon along with some mobs around, but they didn't hurt him for some reason. He was becoming weak by every second and meters, he need co go to Techno or he will freeze to death.

After some time, hour or something like that, he didn't have any energy left. He was weak and couldn't walk. He need to rest, sleep, but where? He made a two more steps and fell to his knees. He doesn't have energy to get up or go. Seconds later his eyes closed from tired and he ended asleep or more like fainted. He probably is going to freeze.

He was sitting in his couch, looking at the flames from torch. He heard so many voice talking about blood or violence, but now there was some new voice, louder than the others.

Tommy.  Help him.
Freezing. Scars.
Run away. Save him.
Dead. Tommyinnit Is dying.
Go and save your little brother.
He is going to die...

Voices said. He was concerned, what's up with Tommy? Freezing? Then his eyes widened, he got up and took his cape along with his axe. Quickly walked out of his home and walked in some opposition of snow mountains.

Faster. Blood for the Blood.
Kill whoever did this. Close..

Tommy was somewhere close, his little brother was probably freezing to death. He need to save him and take him home.

After some minutes he saw a figure laying on snow, he fainted. He recognized in this person, Tommyinnit. He was pale and his fingers was blue.
Techno picked him up and started running to his warm home. In the way he placed his cape on Tommy's shoulder and hugged him tightly, making sure that he is a little warmer. Tommy shrugged a little but didn't wake up. It wasn't his time to die.

When Techno finally reached his home, he layed Tommy on his bed and covered him with some blankets. Pig hybrid took out and splashed a healing potion and took some warm food in case, that Tommy would wake up any minutes.


When sun started rising, Tommy eventually wake up and started panicking. But soon later, he recognized where he is, Techno's base. He hugged myself to big red  blanket and leaned to the wall. Soon after he heard footsteps and looked at the door. Techno walked into a room and meet with Tommy's blue eyes. He was piercing him with glare.

"Tommy" he said.

"T-techno..." Tommy was a little scared.

Techno seeing this, only walked to young boy and wrapped his arms around his small body.

"Your fine now Tommy, I'm here with you" he said patting younger boy back. Tommy teared up and some tears was falling of his cheeks. He was happy, he felt warm and good. Who knew, that blood for the Blood God would be soft for him?

"Thank you Techie"

"Welcome home, Theseus"

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