Cold as a stone

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There won't be part 2, but I enjoyed writing this. Enjoy!


They didn't shoved up, is it possible? Maybe they had something important to do, yeah! They were probably busy so they didn't have time to come. But they could at least say that they won't be here. They promised, they wouldn't leave him, right? But if you think about it, it was possible.

He felt like they forgot about him. He felt empty, numb. How could they forget? It was important for him, he wanted to spend this day with them.
Maybe they will be only late and they will come together and greet him. Yeah! No need to worry! They will stop up any moment. He just needs to wait.


They never came. None of them. He was alone. He decided to go on a shots walk, to clear his mind and think about everything. It wasn't first time when they ditched him and didn't apologize. He should be used to it anyway, no big deal. But deep down his heart, it hurts every time when they do.

Everything around was quiet, not interesting and stupid. Why did he even moved here? Why did he even though that they will show up? Why everyone hates him so much? They knew it hurt, every time. But they never stoped, they kept doing this over and over again. Finally, he stood on small hill and looked around. Trees, trees and trees. Welp, he might be lost too, but who cares. He sat down on the grass and closed his eyes. He thought about every happy moment with his friends, old times. He clenched his fist on his shirt, why suddenly everything hurts? Memory, flashback. He hates it. He took a deep breath in and out, trying to stand up. Exactly, trying to stand up. Somehow, his body was a lot heavier than before, what was that? After struggling for a five minutes, he managed to stood up. Everything hurt but he didn't care, he just started walking back, where he thought was his home. Minute after minute, it was worse to walk even more. When he finally saw his home, he could move.

He tried to walk, but nothing happened. He looked down and what he saw, shocked him completely. His legs turned into stone! His eyes widened as he tried to get rid of it. He needs to see someone, anyone, even Technoblade would be good. Forcing his legs to move, it only made the situation worst. He fell on his butt on the grass. Oh no. Now, he couldn't even stand up.

"C'mon! I can't end up like this!" He said, failing another try to move.

As he left, his stomach started turning into stone also, which slowly reached his hands. He somehow managed to calm himself and his breath.

"Is this how my life end? As a stone?" He asked himself.

Laugh escaped his lips as he shook his head. It was funny and ironic.

"I quess they really forgot about me, what a pity" he said as his arms completely turned into stone. "So this is the end, that's how Big Man Tommyinnit will end."

He said, as finally stone covered his mouth, then nose, eyes and the whole head. And now, all you could see was stone monument, sitting on the grass. Around it were growing allium flowers, his favourite. Bird sat down on his shoulder and snuggled to his head. At least the bird was happy.


Tubbo felt like he forgot something, something really important. He keno talking about it to others, they they didn't know what they forget.

"If you forget, then it's nothing important" Niki said.

"No, I feel like it was important, but I don't know what" he said, looking at Ranboo who didn't said anything.

"Let's just go" Techno said as he walked past them.

Tubbo shrugged his shoulders and went after everyone else. But they feeling that he forgot about something never left him alone.

As they walked closer and closer to their goal, Tubbo heard small  grunt as he looked at his son Michael. He was looking intensely at something in front of them. And after a moment, he runned off, leaving them behind. No one runned after him, cause they knew he was safe. They started talking again.
Ranboo keep and eye on Micheal, in case something happened. He saw as his son stood next to figure. As he thought, it wasn't here yesterday so it must be new.

"Have any of you see that figure?" He pointed his finger at it, as they looked their eyes at the figure.

"No, but I'm curious what this is" Philza said.

They started walking towards the monument and Micheal. Micheal was slightly...sad? And maybe scared.

"What did you found Micheal?" Tubbo asked.

"Look! Uncle Tommy turned into stone!" He yelled.

They looked at him confused. Techno walked around the monument and took a look at it. He realized what the kid meant, it really looked like Tommy.

"Where it come from? Who could built something like this, it's some realistic!" Niki said, as she touched the monument of Tommy.

Then it his Tubbo. He remembered what he forgot about, today was Tommy's party. Very special party. It's full year after they get the discs back and he forgot. Oh god. It wasn't just monument of Tommy, it was Tommy.

"Guys, I don't think sooner build it." They looked at him confused. "I think it's Tommy"

They stood there speechless and they brushed into laugh. It was so stupid, how could it be Tommy?

"Your so stupid Tommy, it can't be Tommy, it's a stone monument" Techno said as he looked down at him.

"We forget about his party, it's full year after he got his discs back. It was important for him and everyone forget"

When he explained, everyone's mind changed. He was right, Tommy was having a party today but they forgot, everyone forgot. It would make sense. If they forgot about Tommy's party, they forgot about him. And as they know, if someone is forgotten, they turn into stone monument. Tubbo's, Niki's and Ranboo's heart hurted. Techno and Philza stood there, shocked and quilt. Tubbo stoped closer to the stone figure and fell to his knees. He was looking at the ground, not daring to look at Tommy's eyes. Tears fell down on his pants, making them wet.

Michael stood there, looking at his Uncle Tommy who was stone now. He knew what I meant, he wasn't stupid. He placed his gold on Tommy's head, hugging his chest. Ranboo hugged Tubbo in process to calm him down. Niki pressed her backs to Tommy's back and started humming one of his discs melody. Philza stood there and then sat down. He picked some flowers and put them in Tommy's hand, as a bouquet of allium flowers. Techno sat down next to Philza and looked at Tommy's face. It was calm without any fear or pain. He was ready for it, he welcomed it with opened arms. He sighed.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here, Tommy" he thought as he patted Philza's back.

They spend there a lot of time, talking about their memory with Tommy. There were only good things. So sad it was already too late for Tommy.

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