First chapter of "Happiness you never felt" is finally out! Chech it out and see if you like it!
Requested: starbyMC
TW: woundsHope you don't mind I changed your idea.
Also, back with writing requests. Hope you enjoy!-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
We don't chose our family, it's the choice of god. It's either good and loving family or falling apart family where nothing is going good. Luckily for Tommy, he had the first one. His family was good, maybe not the best but he couldn't imagine anything better. He had two brothers, Eret who was 5 years older than Tommy and Karl who was 6 years older than him. They were close, like really close. It was hard to separate them, especially if someone started from Tommy. Tommy, the person they both were protective of. Their little brother they admired, loved and protected for their whole life. There was no way you could hurt him and get away with it, being in one piece and unharmed.
They all had brown hairs, same eyes. Tommy's eyes were blue and hairs brown. Eret's eyes were blue and his hairs brown, Karl's eyes were greyish blue and his hairs brown. And the most unexpected this was that they had wings, surprising right? Tommy's wings were blue with gold tips, Eret's were purple with some black tips and Karl's were black with white tips. Tommy bleached his hairs, so people wouldn't know that they are family. He had dirty blond hairs instead of his natural brown.
Maybe they were a family, but no one knew. Not even their closest friends, as they never bothered to tell them. Of course, one day they would figure it out by themselves so why tell them now? It would be more surprising.They didn't live with each other, since each of them wanted to have their own place. Yet, they still spend most of free time together. Tommy would usually cuddle to Karl while Eret cleaned his feathers, it calmed him down and put him to sleep. That's why sometimes he sneaked out of his house just to go and visit one of them at night. Nightmares were the main reason why he couldn't sleep, so his brothers were always there to help him fall asleep. That's why he loved them. They were always ready to help him no matter what, they could even sacrifice themselves for him. That was the plus of being the youngest in the family.
Life was something unfair towards them, especially after they lost their mother months after Tommy was born. They never blamed him, it wasn't him fault since he was a baby back then. They blamed their father, a tyran more powerful that Technoblade and Dream together. Years ago, Karl sneaked out him and his brother from the old house. It was moment when they decided to live on their own, helping and loving each other. The oldest two took care of their brother instead of playing with friends, they didn't care about playing or messing around. All that they wanted in that moment was to give Tommy the best life he could have. And they did it, they gave him something he couldn't be more grateful of. Family and home. They raised him and taught him everything he need to know so he could survive on his own. They helped him go through the hardest things. Pain, sadness, fear, panic and sickness. They were always in his heart, even if they were far away.
Tommy knew that everything they did was for his own good, even the scariest things. He didn't mind that Eret blew L'manburg up, if it was for their safety. He didn't care that Karl was time traveler, if that could change everything for better in the future.He lived happily, surrounded by people he loved. He felt bad that he was lying to them, but they would find out any day. And he would be ready to face all the insults and pain if needed.
Sun disappeared behind the blue wings for a moment before they disappeared again. The boy flew high above the ground, observing everything under him. It all looked so small from there and that's why he loved flying. He could run away from all the stress and his problems and relax for a moment. He used to do that with his brothers every morning, but when the wars started they had to stay close to the ground. They could ran away but Tommy couldn't leave his friends and his brothers wouldn't leave without him. But even when the wars ended, they still haven't left. It was a place where they grew up and learned many things like flying and more. It was sentimental place for three of them.
Sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes, listening to everything around him. Birds were singing their melody, flying around. Dogs were barking quietly, since he was so high. His mind wandered to all the memories he had with his brothers. His birthdays, first flying lessons, their small sleepovers. It was a happy memory, he didn't remembered something traumatic with them. They were like shields that protected him from any danger and pain. Even if they couldn't help with exile, they still could cheer him up and help him stand up. That's why he never gave up, cause he knew they would help him anyways.
He never experienced that piercing pain in his shoulder that he felt now. His eyes shot open as he looked to the left. Indeed, there was an arrow in his shoulder, right above his elbow. It hurt like hell and automatically, his wings got weaker and weaker. He had hard landing right in front of him and there wasn't much he could do. His left wing twitched din pain as it layed on his back, right one slowing down the fall. Curse escaped his lips as the ground got closer and closer. But before his body could touch the ground, someone caught him and teleported somewhere else. His eyes trailed down as he saw long and black arms wrapped around his waist.
"Thanks Ranboo" Tommy sais as he was placed down on the warm bed in his house.
"What happened? You were flying and then started falling down" Ranboo said, looking at his friend's face.
"Ah, nothing much. Someone must mistaken me for a bird, you know how it is" he said, showing the Enderman hybrid arrow sticking from his shoulder.
Ranboo hissed, watching the wound carefully. Someone had to take it out and bandage his arm and he wasn't the best at it. But he knew that Eret helped with bandaging people after the war. So before Tommy could say anything, he teleported straight to Eret's castle. With that, Tommy was left all alone. He looked at his wings making sure they weren't hurt and luckily for him, they weren't. The worst thing was that Ranboo went to get Eret or Karl probably. He would have to deal with his overprotective brothers again. I mean, he didn't mind it at all. It meant free cuddles and attention.
"Tommy, are you okay?!" Eret yelled when he appeared in the room with bandages.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he said, smiling at the three boys in the room.
"Geez Tommy, I was worried that something horrible happened to you" Karl said.
Eret sat on the floor in front of Tommy, watching his wound and then starting to wrap it in the white thing. Pain shot through Tommy's arm as he felt Eret's hand press against his arm. He cursed under his nose, hiding his head in Karl's chest. Karl places Tommy on his lap so Eret could take care of him while he tried to make him sleep.
Tommy had one specific place on his wings that if was patted he fell asleep. It was simple trick that Karl learned about when they were younger. Tommy hated when he did that, but it also relaxed all his musculse and let him sleep like a kid."Don't you dare Karl.." Tommy whispered in his neck.
"Sorry, Tommy. But you have to rest and you won't feel the pain" Karl said.
His hand trailed towards the right wing and rested in the middle of the wing. He patted that place for couple of times, closing his eyes and smiling. Tommy mumbled something quietly but relaxed in his brother arms. His wings released and wrapped around Karl, trapping him in. Karl only smiled and released his wings too, wrapping them around the smaller boy too. When Eret was done with Tommy's wound, he looked at Ranboo.
"How did you do that?" He asked, watching how relaxed Tommy looked.
Eter smiled and places his small kit at the table, patting Ranboo's shoulder.
"Tommy always had that soft spot, you just need to gain his trust so you can do that. Anyways, me and Karl will stay here with Tommy. You know, we have to make sure our little brother is okay"
Eter pushed Ranboo outside the room, closing the doors right behind him. It took the hybrid s moment before he realized what Eret said.
"Wait, you guys are sibling?" He asked himself, walking away.
That could explain Tommy's brown roots on hairs. His wings, that excitement whenever they visited Eret and Karl. It all made sense at some point. Yet he still was shocked about the fact, that Tommy was Eret's and Karl's brother. But it didn't matter, as long as they were happy, he was happy.

Tommyinnit One shots
FanfictionTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...