One second ago, it was a small talk and now, it was a huge argument. Wilbur and Dream were arguing, when everyone else only observed, they couldn't do anything anyways. But they didn't see Tommy standing not so far away from them. He was terrified. After some minutes, Sapnap walked over to Dream, in progress to calm him down.
"Dream, calm down please" he said
"I'm not going to calm down, Wilbur has a problem over here and doesn't agree with me!" He yelled, pushing Sapnap away.
"Don't call Tommy useless or stupid, he is a kid!" Wilbur yelled back.
"He is a kid that only causes problems, Wilbur! Why can't you see that?!" Dream argued again.
"You need to stop being such a dick and be nice for once. He is a kid and he will act like that how long and whenever he wants!" Wilbur said, looking at Dream's mask.
"He is selfish and dumb, like a fucking rat! He never had done anything good, never! He only causes wars, death and bad luck!" Dream said more angry. "But if you don't see that, maybe we should get right of you!"
Dream took Sapnap's crossbow and pulled out his arrow. He put on an arrow and get ready to shoot right in Wilbur's head, when Sapnap pulled his arm. His arrow was send but in different way, Wilbur stared at Dream and started yelling again. Philza walked up to them, trying to pull him away. That when they heard a yell.
He hated when people were yelling, especially, if it was about him. Dream, like always was making fun of Tommy and at first, Wilbur was polite, but when he didn't stop, he saw how uncomfortable and upset Tommy looks. Wilbur told Dream to stop but he didn't do that. So, it soon and easy get heated up and now, they were yelling. Tommy wasn't calm, no, he was scared. Sapnap tried to talk to Dream and calm him down, but it didn't help. After another minute, Dream took Sapnap's crossbow and pulled out his arrow. Tommy's eyes widened when he saw Dream aiming his weapon on Wilbur head. But Sapnap managed to interrupt his action in the last second. Arrow went flying next to people and soon, Tommy felt a massive pain in his chest.
Tommy's eyes looked down at his chest, only to see half of the arrow that second ago was aimed at Wilbur. His eyes widened, he felt pain in his whole body. His eyes slowly looked up again, he heard yell from Niki, well, she probably notice arrow in Tommy's body. People looked toward her, she was looking somewhere else. They followed her look and saw Tommy. But he wasn't okay, he was looking at his chest and there they saw an arrow.
"W-wilbur..." Tommy said, looking up at him.
Tommy's body went limp, he fell on the grass, hitting his side. Some of them yelled his name, some of them were standing shocked. Tubbo, Wilbur, Philza, Puffy and Quackity had tears in their eyes. Wilbur started running to his brother. He placed Tommy on his back to check his wound. Arrow was deep stuck, only small part of it could be seen. Wilbur's cheeks were wet from tears.
"T-tommy, don't close your eyes, please! You can't leave me, not now!" He yelled, shaking Tommy a little.
"I-its okay Wilby, don't worry about me.." his voice was quiet and weak.
"I'm so sorry for that, I promised that I will protect you! It wasn't supposed to happen, you can't die!" Tubbo, Niki, Philza and Sapnap runned up to the brothers. "Tommy! Don't close your eyes!"
Philza pulled Wilbur away. Tommy's eyes closed, people gasped and didn't breath out. Big pool of blood was getting bigger and bigger and soon, it stopped.
"Tommy! T-tommy? Tom's..? My little diamond..?" Wilbur's voice cracked, Tommy never responded.
Wilbur yelled in pain, tears ran down his cheeks. People were crying, Sapnap and Dream felt guilty. Wilbur was sobbing so hard in his father arms. He yelled again Tommy's name, hoping for him to somehow wake up. Puffy tried to stop the bleeding, but it was to late.
"He's- he's dead..." It was the last thing Wilbur heard.
He couldn't focused on what people around him were saying. He just lost his little brother. The only person that keep him awake. The only person he woke up. The only person that was his reason of living. His love. His happiness. And now, he didn't had this happiness, it left him empty. Once a heart full of joy and now empty.
And there was only black hole in his heart. It was a hole where his little diamond was.
It was half of the year after Tommy's death. People eventually moved on, expect some ot them. Nothing was the same, it was quiet and emty. Tommy's grave was next to his and Tubbo's bench, covered in flowers and pictures. One person was blaming myself, Wilbur. He was blaming himself every time, when he though about his little brother. People tried to comfort him and make him feel better, but nothing worked.
Like always, he was sitting on the grass, his back pressed aganist the bench. He looked at the dead boy's name, another small and single tear fall down his cheek. Why he didin't save him? He really messed up, didn't he? Wilbur's eyes were puffy from crying, his arms were shaking. Meanwhile, a lonely ghost was looking down at him, his face was filled with sadness. His white wings fluttered slightly in the breeze, he wore a white robe with a headband of golden flowers. His dirty blond hair were tied up in small pony. He started singing, his voice was kind.
"Wolves asleep amidst the trees
Bats all are swaying in the breeze
But one boy lies anxious wide awake
Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
For your dear Wilby sleep has flown
Don't dare let him tremble alone
For the witcher, heartless, cold
Paid in coin of gold
He comes he'll go leave naught behind
But heartache and woe
Deep, deep woe
Birds are silent for the night
Cows turned in as daylight dies
But one boy lies anxious wide awake
Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
My dear boy shut your eyes
Lie still, lie silent, utter no cries
As the witcher, brave and bold
Paid in coin of gold"he stopped, looking at the calmly sleeping boy. Small smile appeared on his face, he closed his eyes and disapeared in the wind. Wilbur was sleeping peacfully, dreaming about something happy, not feeling the warm touch of wind.

Tommyinnit One shots
FanfictionTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...