Don't ask me what it is, I just thought of something like that while watching TikTok. I saw something that sparked this idea in me and thought why not.
Remember to take care of yourself, I love you and if you need someone to talk to me, my DM's are open for you.
Hope you enjoy~
TW: blood, 'asylum', SCP foundation, mention of glass breaking-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
Wilbur knew he wasn't supposed to be there, he crossed the boundaries long time ago. It was only matters of second, when someone would find him and probably shot him down. But for now he was alive and wasn't going to back away. Especially since he was already inside.
He was going to die either way, so if he's already here, why not explore for a little bit?
The fact that he hacked into the system, turned off the lasers, opened the huge iron gate doors and managed to sneak past guards was a big achievement. And now he was stuck. The alarm went off couple of minutes ago, alarming everyone that someone either sneaked inside or one of the creatures escaped. If they find him, he's head. They might as well feed him to one of the creatures, as well as do some tests to see how the creature acts when in a room with strange being.He was currently in one of the most secret foundation, one that wasn't supposed to be revealed to human eye and even known about. There was a reason why it was so secured and no one knew about this place, the foundation was full of experiments and weird creatures, either known as SCP's. Most of them were written down as dangerous, mysterious but soke of them were unknown and nothing could be found about them.
So you may ask, how did Wilbur get it there? Well, it was accident. When he ran away from home, he expected to find nothing and probably live on streets. But after hours of walking, he saw the tall and secured building. The curiousity took the best of him. Plus, the hacking skills finally paid off and in less than an hour, he was in.
It was probably a big mistake, but nothing he wouldn't face. He already lost his family, so why not die knowing something others couldn't know?He was walking through the halls, passing many doors but each of them was closed shut and without any window that he could look through inside. So he ignored this doors, trying to find ones that he would be able to either see what was inside or just enter. Yeah, entering a room with mysterious and probably deadly SCP was a really good idea. The best one he had so far.
So, when finally after one hour or so of walking he found doors with small window in them, he almost cheered.
Slowly and carefully walking towards the doors, he stood on his tip toes and peaked inside. The room was empty, or so it looked like that. However, when Wilbur touched the doors, they opened slowly. He took a step back, fear visible on his face and in his eyes. The doors were fucking open. The room was empty. There wasn't any guards. Does that mean that whatever was in the room, could possibly escape?
He had two options. Either go inside and see if the beast is there and if it is, close the doors. And two, close the doors and just leave, hoping that wherever the creature is, it won't find him.Wilbur gulped, making his decision. He pushed the doors open with his shoe, quickly sneaking inside and looking around. White and dull walls, claw marks here and there, some black feathers lying around on the floor. It was empty, his eyes slowly looking up at the ceiling. But when he blinked, a tall figure appeared in his vision.
"Fuck!" Wilbur yelled, jumping away and stumbling on his feet, falling to the ground.
He tied to back away, his back imidiatelly hitting the wall right next to the doors. He looked up woth hesitation, eyes widening even more and his body freezing.
The SCP was huge, around 6'6 feet, unnaturally long arms and claws, dull skin. White flowers around it's waist, Blue eyes were staring intensely in his own, white mask over its mouth and nose. Only eyes and the rest of the body were visible. The sharp claws scared Wilbur the most, since they would rip you into pieces with one swing. It didn't look like a peaceful death Wilbur always wanted.

Tommyinnit One shots
FanfictionTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...