TW: shooting, blood, surgery, dying.
There won't be part 2.-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
That was all he could notice or hear. No friends, no break. He tried to look around buy his movements were blocked by something. Everything was blurry, everything was spinning. He couldn't discover what's happening or where are they taking him. The only thing he knew was that his friends were somewhere behind him yelling his name. He wanted to answer them, yell their names, but he couldn't. His throat was burning in pain, not letting any words escape his mouth. He felt pain in his chest, it was horrible pain as he breathed in and out. He barely keep his eyes open, trying to focus on doctor that was talking to him. After a moment, he felt weak and his eyes started closing. Everyone became dark as his hand went limp and fell of the bed or whatever that was.
"Quickly! We're loosing him!" He couldn't keep himself awake, so let himself take a break, small one.
His eyes were closed, his chest stoped moving as they lost his heartbeat. More yelling and more movements. His friends were left behind, blocking their way to him. His life was in danger. When they finally reached the ambulance, they started trying to save his life. His heart didn't want to start beating again, it didn't come back but they never gave up.
After a five minutes, they were in hospital still trying to save him. First doctor that wasn't busy runned up to them and took him to one of the rooms. Any minute his heart could start beating again, or never beat again. They had to get him stable and after that, they could start the surgery. Soon after his friends reached the hospital, panicking and breaking down in front of everyone. The oldest one of them walked up to one of the nurses, asking where the young boy is.
"Right now doctors are trying to bring him back his heartbeat and if it works, they will start surgery." She said, walking to white room.
He sat down on the chair, next to Techno, Wilbur and Schlatt. Everyone else stood or sat down on the ground, pressing their back to the wall. It was a nightmare, terrible nightmare. Tears, sobs and panic attacks. How could they not notice it, how could they let his suffer because of their stupidity.
They were walking down the Alley, talking to each other and enjoying their company. They had fun for the whole day, visiting many fun places and eating ice creams. Everyone were focused on their talk that they didn't notice that their youngest friend was acting weird.
"Hey Tubbo, someone is following us..." He said to his friend.
"Come on Tommy, sop joking around. It's not funny" he replied and focused on his talk again.
However, Tommy turned around again, noticing the same person that was following them for over 30 minutes now. How could they not notice him?
"Techno, someone is following us" he said to his friend.
"Tommy, I told you to stop joking. It's annoying and not funny"
No one wanted to listen. Tommy noticed in the corner of his eyes, that the person was holding something, a gun.. His eyes widened as the bullet was flying towards Dream's chest. Tommy didn't though about it, he just jumped behind Dream. Nothing happened when something pierced his chest. He gasped, trying to hold onto Dream's back.
"What was that?" Someone asked but he couldn't recognize the voice.
"Tommy? Tommy?!" Dream hold his hands, trying to help his stand.
Tommy's white shirt now was red as they realized from blood. Tommy fell on the ground, gasping for air and whining in pain.
"Someone shot him!" Dream said as he took out his phone and called for help.

Tommyinnit One shots
ФанфикTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...