God of the God's

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It's not that good but not the worst.
TW: yelling, blood,


DreamXD was a god that everyone feared expect George, who was his 'best friend'. They didn't know much about him, expect he looked like Dream, he was a god and he was 'protecting George'. No one knew where he comes from but they simply were scared to ask, cause he could kill them. Since he was a god, he could do whatever he wants and nothing bad could happen to him. He simply was the strongest person on the Dream smp, since even Dream was in prison.

But there was one thing that none of them expected, DreamXD was working for someone. For a god, that was even stronger than him or any other god. He was sent to overworld because he had task.

"Your Highness" smaller god said, bowing to show respect.

"You finally came, I have a task for you" God sitting on his throne said, taping his fingers on the small table.

"Of course your Highness" he said, looking up at his boss.

"I want you to go down on the overworld and make sure that Georgenotfound will trust you and be friend with you. He's the first part of our plan" he said, smiling widely.

"Of course, my Highness"

The task was to make sure that George trusts him and they are friends. Later his boss explained his plan, later when Dream escaped prison, they will threaten him with Georges death. DreamXD knew perfectly fine what they did to him and he knew that revenge of fair at this point.

George became his friend rather quickly. He tried to act natural, not making any suspicions. He gave George many things that he wanted, he protected him and take care of him. He killed Bad, since he deserved that and he made sure that no one was too close to George. But there was one thing that he hated about him, most of his time he was sleeping or not doing anything. Gods, being immortal had much more time to live and they never were lazy. They had many things to do, like take care of humans or do some tasks. His boss on the other hand, had much more things to do. Ruling his castle, sending other gods to do their job or simply planning. Even if he was young god, he was smart, quick thinking and the most important, fair. He didn't blame people without reason or in anger, he knew exactly what he had to do in every situation. Everyone adored him especially in mythology. He was presented as young, strong and brave god, with bling hairs, ocean blue eyes and golden wings. He always has flower crown on his head, and white bandana around his neck. DreamXD who was his right hand was glad that he get this place, it was honour. Ever since he was a kid, he was looking up to him, even if he was younger that him.

Now, he was walking around Dream smp with George, talking none stop and floating above the ground.

"Hey, have you seen Tommyinnit?" George asked suddenly.

"Tommyinnit? Last time I saw him talking with Wilbur and Ranboo, why?" He asked, trying to be calm.

"I wanted to talk to him" George said, walking straight to where Tommy was, leaving XD behind.

What he didn't saw, was the small smile forming on his mask, as he disappeared.


Tommy was talking or more like arguing with Wilbur who minute ago was being bitch to Ranboo. He just met him and he was already mean, which made Tommy angry.

"You can't just judge him! You met him minute ago and now you're being rude!" Tommy yelled, catching attention of few people.

"Geez Tommy, I'm just joking" Wilbur said chuckling as he put up his hand in defense.

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