Requested: mydadkilledme
TW: mention of death and manipulation, blood, arguingI have no idea why, but I just love enchanted Celtic music, it's so calm and mysterious.
Our live changes when we are growing, no one knows the future. It's just matter of time, when we reach our end and leave this life, so we could start another one. Everything that happened in someones life was important, because it had made impact on their future. We can't change the future not the past, what happened and will happen is meant to happen.
At least, that's what he keep telling himself. After all that happened, he realized that it probably had to be done. It was supposed to happen. All the bad and happy things, all the terrible pictures that hunts him in his dreams. Everything was important for his future. He just wished he was ready to face everything. He wished he could go back and say to his past self, that no matter what will happen, he can't give up. He almost did it tree times, but every time someone was there to stop him. And he was grateful they did, cause he wouldn't be here anymore. Even if he was tired and done with everything and everyone, he couldn't just leave. He had to stay and take care of others, even if they didn't care about him. His emotions may be dull but his heart still couldn't give up.
He seemed like he lost that one small goal in his life, that kept his going forward, but in reality he never had one. He just tried to change everything, the world and people. But no matter how hard he tried, they never did change. They were selfish, full of hate and pain.So he decided to accept it and leave it alone. He stopped doing things that could change anything. He simply stopped caring. He didn't care about his future anymore, he would die soon probably. He just wanted to prepare his past himself and show him what the world can do to him. That the world he thought is safe and lovely, isn't really what he thought. It's world where you have to watch your back if you don't want to get betrayed or killed, it's a world where you can't trust anyone, not even your friends.
And now, he had the chance. He was able to say everything he wanted and try to prepare his younger version. His past self.
In from of him, stood young boy. He had beautiful blond hairs and shine blue eyes. He was wearing L'manburg old suit, along with sword in his hand. He was smiling proudly of himself, not ready for the future. He was kind and energetic kid, that enjoyed his life with his family and closest friends. He was loud but pure, too pure to face the world's madness and brutality.
The present version was covered in scars and wounds, with ripped jeans and shirt. He had eye patch on his left eye, bandages around his arms. His eyes were dull, his hairs were dirty and more brown that blond. He was looking at the shorter boy with an empty look, trying to show him what everything did to him.
"Tommy, you have to be careful. They will hurt you" he said.
The past version only laughed loudly and looked at him like he was some sort of idiot.
"Yeah Dream hates me, but he won't hurt me. Wilbur will help me like always"
If he only knew what the real Wilbur was like and what he did. He wasn't ready for any of that.
"Tommy, I am you from the future. I know what will happen and what will hurt you" he said again.
Other Tommy only looked at him and mocked him, annoying the older version.
"Wilbur and Philza loves me, they won't let anyone hurt me. Especially when me and Wilbur build our own nation" Tommy said, laughing again.
Present Tommy couldn't do much, he just wanted his younger self to listen for once. Just once. But he was too proud of himself and naive, to believe everything people said to him. If they told him he will be safe, he believed. If someone said that they love him and will take care of him, he trusted. That's why he was so easy to manipulate.
"I know everything looks perfect but it will change in the future. Do you see how I look? I didn't do that to myself" Tommy tried to explain.
"You look like a homeless person, to be honest"
Past Tommy didn't take that seriously, he kept joking and laughing, completely I goring what the other had to say.
"Wilbur and Philza loves me, Techno won't hurt me, Dream wouldn't even dare to raise his hand at me. I'm too awesome for this"
Then, he felt heavy arms on his shoulders. He looked up and saw the older self right in front of him, with painful expression.
"Tommy, future won't look the same as you think it will look. People change and you can't do anything about that. Some will betray you, some will leave you and some will hurt you. They don't care you old are you, Tommy. They will crush you down, trying to manipulate you and make you their toy. You can't trust them anymore" he said.
Tommy didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or what, but he felt like his future self was being serious right now and he should listen. But he couldn't believe that, why would everyone leave and hurt him? Did he do something?
"What..?" He finally asked.
"Yes Tommy, they will leave you all alone, traumatized and hurt"
"No! That's no true! They wouldn't leave me or just me they are my friends!"
Older Tommy seemed like he was annoyed, sad and angry at the same time. He gripped shoulder if the younger tighter and looked him straight in the eyes.
"Tommy, they don't care! They don't love you nor they want you! They will use, manipulate then let you rot all alone in pain without anyone to save you. You will be exiled twice and the second one will be your own fault. Tubbo will exile you, he isn't your friend, no one is. Wilbur will blow up L'manburg, Phil will kill him and then everyone will be hurt." He yelled. "You don't have anyone to trust, you all alone in this world full of brutally. Dream will kill you three times, not caring about you. Techno will betray you by teaming up with Dream. Tubbo will get married with other dude he knows for couple of months, leaving you in prison where Dream killed you for the last time and the revived you so you could be hurt again. Everyone will hurt you!"
Tommy started at his future self, with wide opened eyes full of pain. He was shocked and scared. Did they really do that? His heart started beating faster, his vision getting blurry from the tears that appeared in his eyes. He tried to take breath in, but couldn't when the tears started escaping down his cheeks. He sobbed in his hands.
"Why? Why would they do all of that to us?" He asked quietly.
"Why?" Tommy asked sarcastically. "Because we are nothing, we don't deserve love nor anyone. I was selfish to think that anyone will give me home. We are a mistake, Tommy. We shouldn't be alive." He said.
Tommy's heart broke even more, when he heard what his older self said. He was a mistake. That was right. Maybe they just wanted to use him as a puppet, hurt him and then leave him all alone to rot.
"B-but I thought-"
"Yes Tommy, I thought the world is safe and beautiful too. But it's not like that, it's not safe for you." He said. "I don't know what will you do, just so you know, don't believe in their lies. Not even Sam, Puffy, Philza nor Quackity. They are all fake."
They stood there for a moment, not talking or anything. The only sound they heard was younger Tommy's cries. Older Tommy stood in front of him, looking far away in the darkness. He took his hand off his shoulders and turned around.
"Just.. do it when you think it's the only and the best option, not sooner or later." He said before walking away.
He left his last himself all alone, like he was left now. Maybe everything he said was a little too much, but he had to know what the reality really is. He didn't care too much while he was broken and left alone by everyone he trusted and loved. He did what he had to, he told the truth to his past self. He didn't care what he will do, stay alive like he did or end it when he thought it was the best time. It was all up to him, their future was in his hands.

Tommyinnit One shots
FanfictionTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...