The dragon rider

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Part two of 'Egg that hatched'

TW: —

Probably boring and short, but I'm too tired to think or write it any longer. Hope you enjoy!


Cool Wind gently hit his body, almost throwing him off a few times. But that didn't matter. They flew around, high in the sky above the clouds. Everything on the ground looked so small, yet noticeable. They were enjoying their daily routine, which was 2 hours long flight, right after training. It was the best thing that anyone could even experience, just flying high in the sky with nothing to worry about. Everything here was calm and quiet, only birds singing around them. It brought them much pleasure, than anything else.
They were different, yet they both loved doing this. No matter what, they trusted each other and we're ready to sacrifice themselves for the other. It was nice to know that if anything happens, he wasn't alone and he was safe.

Tommy, the dragon rider as he called himself. The only one who taimed and raised a dragon on his side, declaiming that there was another dragon expect the Ender dragon. Snowflake, the beautiful and strong blue dragon was unique, only one existing.
And indeed, she was strong. But with time, Tommy reazlied tgat she wasn't breathing fire. She was a snowy dragon, which meant that she could create and manipulate snow, along with breathing freezing cold water. It probably wasn't much for others, but for Tommy it was enough to make him fell in love in the flying lizard. He just wanted a company and it didn't matter if it was a human or a dragon. He appreciated everything that was give him, even the smallest things. And the fast that he met a dragon was way above his thoughts. Now that was something incredible. No one else has even trained a dragon, not even Dream himself! Snowflake was probably the only dragon that lived in Overworld, which was sad but exciting at the same time. With the snowy dragon, Tommy became stronger. Bot only physically but also mentally. He could finally trust someone and be sure, that someone else cared about him expect his family.

But no one knew about the dragon, not even his family. He loved and adored them dearly, but he wasn't too confident about what they would do, since it would be the first time they ever saw an actual dragon. He expected to see shock, confusing and fear, but he didn't know what else. So, he decided to leave it as a secret for now, till he was ready to tell everyone.

And mainly because of that, he was flying in cicrles on Snowflake, thinking if an plan.
Snowflake could feel his stress, so she tried to cheer him up with doing some tricks with snow. They were currently in Tundra, where his family lived. But the fear wouldn't aloud him to land down and met them.

"We can't just land and say: 'Hi, just wanted to show my new dragon. Hope you like her'. We need to think of something better, like.. I don't know!" He yelled frustrated.

Snowflake let out a small growl, shaking her head with disapointment.

"Oi! It's not my fault that you are an oversized lizard with wings!" He said, patting the dragons back before huffing angry.

Snowflake growled again, looking down at the house below. It was small, only the smoke shower the full direction of the house. He sighed, Lovering his head to lay it on Snowflake's back between her wings.

"Why is it so hard?" He asked, his eyes closed.

Snowflake slowly urned around and did another full circle, calming Tommy down a little. Tommy could hear her heart beat softly, pulling him into weird hypnotize. She was trying to get rid of his stress, making sure to connect with him. He smiled a little, before sitting straight back. He held onto two scales, relaxing his shoulders.

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