So, today was last day of my school. Not gonna lie, I'm going to miss my teachers and friends. Anyways, take care of yourself and enjoy!
When the TNT blow up, everything was ruined. Tommy was too close, way too close. The destruction reached him and send him flying through the path. He was knocked out for a moment. And now, He was laying there, bleeding out, while everyone else were trying to save themselves, not even trying to look for him. His eyes were opened, but he didn't see. Why? What was happening?
After a moment, he felt someone griping onto his arms and pulling him up. He couldn't discover who was that. The person started running somewhere, probably to safe place. He closed his eyes, only thing he could feel was pain. He tried to relax, to focus on something different that pain in his whole body. Shivers come down his backs, when the person that was running stoped and layed him on something. Then, he calmed down and everything turned black. The last thing he could hear was someone's quiet voice, that was telling him everything will be okay and not to worry.
His mind didn't want to wake up, he couldn't force himself to open his eyes, but he needed too. Slowly with hesitation, he opened his eyes. But why is it still dark? Did someone turned off the lights?
"Hello?" His voice was a little raspy.
He heard fast footsteps and someone's voice. Then, he heard doors opening.
"Oh my god Tommy. Thanks God you wake up!" Tommy knew this voice from somewhere, but where?
"Who is here? Why is the light turned off?" Tommy asked.
The person that walked into the room, stood now frozen not knowing what to do. Their mouth was opened, but no words come out. Shock, was all they face showed.
"T-Tommy? Light isn't turned off, it's on" they said.
"Then why is it dark?" Tommy asked now a little scared. "Am I blind?! Why can't I see?!"
Another fast footsteps and now, someone was hugging him. Tommy's eyes were widened, tears in the corner of his eyes.
"Your okay Tommy, it's going to be okay! I will help you" they said.
"T-Techno?" Tommy asked, feeling the familiar fluff cap around his body.
"Yes Tommy, it's me" Techno said softly.
He looked into Tommy's eyes, they weren't ocean blue now, they were very very light blue color. Techno felt really bad for his brother. He took his cap and put it around Tommy to make him feel warm and safe. He did something rare for him, he took off his crown and placed it on Tommy's head.
"Did you just gave me your crown..?" Tommy asked as Techno only hummed. "Why..? Why are you helping me? Why do you care about me?"
Techno sighted, sadness in his eyes and quilt filled his body.
"Your my younger brother Tommy..! I care about you and I always will. I was kinda mad at you when you left me for Tubbo, but I knew you did what was good for you. I sided with person that was your enemy, Is shouldn't do that. I'm sorry" he answered.
"T-thank you"
Tommy couldn't keep his tears, so they started falling down on the ground. Soon, Techno's shoulder was wet, bit he didn't care. They just sat here, in each other's arms, admiring the warm feeling.
Being blind didn't come easy at first, but after some time he get used to it. Of course, with Techno's help he could walk around without any bigger problems. Hah, Techno even let him ride Steve, his polar bear. After a month of being blind, Tommy never took off his blindfold. He didn't like the sign of his eyes. They weren't that pretty anymore for him, but Techno always said that they were nice looking. Tommy started training combat with Techno which at first wasn't easy.
He needed to use his others senses, like hearing and touch. After many trainings and struggle's, he managed to sharp his hearing sense and even his sense of smell. Sometimes he would win with Techno, but of course he always win in revenge fight. It wasn't that difficult for him to fishing and farming, it was the easiest way to get food. Even if he couldn't see that, Techno was always looking after him, making sure nothing will happen to him. And like that, their life was slowly going forward."Tommy!" Techno yelled.
No one answered.
"Tommy?" He said again.
Slightly worried, he decided to look for Tommy. Who knew what might happen. After checking the entire house, he walked outside. What he saw, melted his heart. There was Tommy, sleeping peacefully, but not alone. He had his back pressed against Steve's chest, the pillars bear paws were on top of Tommy's legs and stomach to keep him warm. Around the two, were laying gods, many of dogs. All of them knew Tommy and they knew he was family. Techno smiled a little and walked up to them. He sat down next to Steve and moved Tommy's head to his lap, makings him more comfortable. Steve opened his eyes when he felt some movements. He calmed down when he noticed Techno pressing his body to his fur. He huffed and layed his head on Tommy's lap.
"Thank you for keeping him warm" Techno whispered to his bear.
It didn't look up, only noded it's head and went back to sleep. And like that, they fell asleep in the snow, snuggling to each other's body in process to keep their body's warm. Tommy, not feeling any moves or changes, only slept. It was adorable moment for Techno. After all, he was taking care of Tommy for a long time.

Tommyinnit One shots
FanfictionTommyinnit au's and one shots. Mostly angst and maybe I will do some fluff. No smut cause Tommy is minor :). There's no any ship or something like that, only platonic. None of the arts used in this books are mine. I found them on internet. (Sorry f...