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It was already two weeks after Mina took over as CEO. And during those two weeks was, something...

It was now Friday, I was just finishing up my work and her schedule for Monday before I leave.

Almost everyone was gone, except for me, Mina and the guards.

As I finally finished, Mina came out of her office.

"You're done?" She asked me.

"Yes, Ms. Myoui." I said.

She nodded and waited for me to leave.

We walked towards the elevator and boarded it down.

"Say, want to get some drinks with me?" She asked as I texted Nayeon.


"That's cold." She chuckled lightly.

"I know what you're trying to do, and it is not happening."

"Why not? Is it really bad?"


"Why is it bad? We've already done it." I just pinched the bridge of my nose out of frustration.

When the elevator finally reached the lobby we stepped out and continued to walk out of the building, we bid the guard goodbye on the way.

"I'll get going Ms. Myoui." I bowed to Mina a little as I see her car being drove towards us, she has a personal driver.

"Okay. Take care."

"You too." I replied before walking to the bus stop.

I didn't head straight to my house, instead I went to the hospital to visit Miyoung.

I didn't see Nayeon anywhere, even when I was in Miyoung's room.

"She left early, she has a date." Miyoung told me as I sliced some apples for her.

"Oh, with who?"

"She didn't say." She said as she draw on her drawing tablet, Miyoung is a digital artist, she took a course suited for her passion but her condition stopped her from working on an actual company. So as of now she just draws for fun, sometimes someone hires her to draw for them so it's an extra income.



"You work too much."

I looked at her before giving her a small smile, "You think so?"

She nodded, "You have bags under your eyes."

"It's alright."

"It's not, you should get enough sleep and sleep on the right hour."

I chuckled, "Yes maam."


"And?" I before I placed the sliced apples on a small plate, then I put it beside her where she can reach easily.

"You should date."

I stared at her, "I don't want to, I'm too busy to date anyone, besides we're leavi-"

"I never said you should go with me." She cut me off.


"You're still guilty Y/nn, I already forgave you even if there was nothing to forgive in the first place. I can handle myself."

I shook my head, "I know you can, but I still wanna be there with you."

"Dad put you up to this didn't he?"


She just rolled her eyes before eating a slice of apple and continuing to draw.

I stayed there for a couple of hours just talking to her before I left.

It was now Sunday, I went to the grocery store to shop some necessities for me and for Miyoung at the hospital, I also stock up my fridge.

Before I left to the check-out aisle, I noticed a small booth with different kinds of liquor, 5% off a sign said, I decided to check it out.

In the end I ended up buying a bottle of 10 years old whiskey.

After I payed for my items I headed to the hospital to drop off things for Miyoung, I didn't stay long and went back to my house.

It was actually a boring day, I sorted out my groceries and cooked myself lunch at 3. Then I proceeded to clean my house because I had nothing better to do.

It was around 4 when I finished, I felt sweaty from all the cleaning so I took a shower.

"What to do?" I said out loud after I dried my hair.

There was no work waiting for me since I already finished them yesterday.

Sometimes I wished I had siblings, it would have been less boring, but then again my parents died before they can have another baby.

I remember, my parents passed away just before I could turn 18, they left me a six digit inheritance, half of it went to my college and their burial, then I spent half of what's left to buy this house.

Since I was still a minor when they left I had to have a guardian, most of my relatives were away on a foreign country and none of them wanted me, some were too poor to take me in.

But thankfully someone took me in, it was Miyoung's family. Miyoung told them what happened to me since we're best of friends since college, her parents decided to take me in out of kindness, it wasn't awkward since they already knew who I am.

They were really kind to me, providing me a roof (I still haven't bought my house), food and guiding me as I grieved.

I was adopted a week later by then but they let me keep my last name, the who adoption process was just formality at that point.

Even when I moved out Miyoung's parents are still close to me and stayed as my parent figures.

Though Miyoung's mom died two years ago, now it's just her dad. He's here in Seoul but he's running an agency so he's very busy, he visits Miyoung but we barely see each other.

Around dinner time, I just cooked myself a simple dinner.

Then I headed straight to bed.

But I couldn't sleep. It was already 10 in the evening and I'm still wide awake.

I sighed before going back to the kitchen, then I opened my cupboard and taking out the liquor I bought at the grocery store.

I took some ice and a glass before going to the living room and sitting on my couch while I laid the bottle on the coffee table.

It was a good liquor, the quality is nice for its age.

Before I know it I was past half of the bottle.

I finishing up my glass to pour some whiskey again when my door bell rang.

I frowned and put my glass down before standing up and making my way to the front door.

Who's here at almost midnight?

The doorbell kept on ringing as I walked.

"Coming!" I shouted, maybe a little bit louder than I intended to, I'm a little drunk.

The ringing didn't stop though.

Then I finally opened the front door.

"Who- Mina?!"

A/n: This chapter is ehh

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