C14 | GONE

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It was morning, the streets of Seoul was starting to prepare for the day with the smell of breakfast and coffee.

Sunlight peeked through the parted curtains of Y/n's house, one rested just above Mina's eyelid as she stirred awake.

She struggled to sit up on the bed where she slept naked.

She immediately looked beside her to find no one.

In panic, she stood up and look for some clothes, she picked up her shirt and pants from yesterday, that was folded neatly and smelled like it was washed recently, from the small chair on the side of the room and put them on.

"Y/n?!" She called out in hope that her lover would answer her, but he never did.

She went downstairs to look for him but he just wasn't there. When she made it to the dinning room slash kitchen she saw a few plates set on the table with breakfast on them, they were covered by a thin paper to avoid dust.

When she took off the paper, she was greeted with her favorite, and a letter to go with it.

She reached for the folded paper with anxiety, she of course feared the worse.


By the time you read this I'm probably on my plane or have already arrived at my destination. I'm sorry to leave without any explanation. I hate to leave you but I have to.

Forget about me, that's how it was supposed to be from the very beginning of our relationship. I'm sure you'd find someone who'd love you more than I could.

I've already trained Annie to replicate me, so don't worry.

Eat the breakfast I cooked for you, you look so thin now.



She stared at the letter longer than she thought she would.

Y/n left her. She didn't know where he is.

She slumped to the floor, trying to fight her tears from falling as she gripped the letter.

She didn't know what to do.

It's been a few months since Y/n left. Mina tried to look for him, asking his friends but none would give her the answer she's looking for, she hired a private investigator, but until now there's no information where he is.

She looks miserable, she didn't look half as elegant as she was before.

Mina was currently in her office reading a report from one of the departments while massaging her temple, when her doors opened and a woman, who look a bit like her entered.

"Mom." Mina said, "What are you doing here?" She asked as she was pulled into a hug by her mother.

"Visiting you of course. My, look at you! You're so thin! Have you even been eating?!"

"Minso, can you buy some food for us? I need to feed my heartbroken daughter." Minso, who was Mrs. Myoui's bodyguard, complied and left the two of them.

"Mom, I'm not heartbroken." She countered as they sat down.

(Is it bad to write her mom saying Lol or Lmao instead of comforting her?)

"Don't try to lie, your Father told me."

Mina just kept her mouth shut, because she didn't know what to say and mostly because she's having a massive headache and fatigued.

"You know, when I was your age, I also got heartbroken." Her mother chuckled a bit from the memory.

Mina raised a brow, "Dad broke your heart?"

"Oh no, it wasn't your father that broke me, it was someone else."

Her mom laughed, "Don't look so surprised, even you dad dated other girls before me."

"What happened?"

"We'll, he left me, I think he was too afraid of fighting for me."


"He was a worker in my fiancé's household, my fiancé was busy so he was the one who kept me entertained, I fell in love with him in a short time, he said he felt the same but he never fought for me." Her mother smiled bitterly.

"Just like that, it ended?" Her mom nodded, "was your fiancé dad?"

"No, it was a different man, I didn't married him obviously. I met your father a few years later and we fell in love."

(Low key wanna write this angsty story I made month's ago.)

"Mrs. Myoui." Minso cleared their throat and put the take out in front of them.

"Thank you Minso." Minso just nodded before handing their phone to the latter.

"It's Mr. Myoui, he said he couldn't reached your phone."

"Oh." Mrs. Myoui took the cell before turning to Mina, "eat them, I'll be back in a second."

Mina only nodded and her mom left not before telling her to actually eat it.

Mina only shook her head but began taking the food out and started eating them.

When she was halfway through, she got thirsty so she stood up and headed to her table to get her tumbler but unfortunately she passed out before she could even reach the table.

A/n: the passing out scene's gonna be like a cliffhanger, and I'll probably go back to it after a few chapters.

Next chapter, expect a time skip.

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