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• MINA •

"You don't need to fetch me tonight, just leave the car here." I told my driver and he nodded before smiling and wishing me to have a good day, I said the same before leaving the car and walked to my building.

My employees greeted me and I did the same until I got to my floor.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked Annie when I noticed she was the only one in their table, Y/n's bag wasn't there too.

"He came here a while ago and went inside your office, then left immediately." She said after bowing down and greeting me.

I nodded, he must've went out to get some coffee and probably just forgot to put his stuff on his table.

I went inside my office and hung my outer coat before sitting in my chair. I glanced at the small digital clock in the corner of my table, it showed 8:41.

Just a few more minutes before I start to actually work.

Since Y/n took long to get back I just took my schedule from Annie and read it myself.

I'm free until 11 today so that's good, but we have our monthly meeting today so I decided to prepare for that beforehand.

I reached out to get a folder from our finance when an envelope slipped from the top of it.

Curious I took the envelope and it was addressed to me.

I opened it and my eyes went wide with the contents..

I stood up and went outside.

"Is Y/n still not back?!" I startled Annie but she manage to shake her head.

I headed down to the underground parking lot while dialing a number and mumbling 'Pick it up.' Every so often. And I'll redial when he doesn't pick up.

I manage to get to my car and drove fast to Y/n's house while still calling him. I could be pulled over for over speeding and using my phone while driving but I didn't care.

Thankfully I manage to arrive safely in front of Y/n's house.

I took out the spare key Y/n gave me and opened his house.

There were a couple boxes in the living room, I opened one and saw Y/n's possessions.

Is he moving out?!

"Y/n?!" I called for him while looking for him around the house until I noticed he wasn't here.

"Where is he?!" I shouted in frustration.

I sat in his sofa and rummaged my brain thinking where he could be besides his house.

I don't know him that well. All I know is where he lives and works. I don't know who his friends are. His family. Nothing.

Knowing I had nothing, I decided to call him again hoping he'll actually pick up.

I was about to call him when Annie called me. I picked it up thinking that maybe she knows where he is.

"Ms. Myoui, your meeting is about to start in 15 minutes-"

"Has Y/n gone back to the office?" I cut her off.

"No but M-"

"Cancel all my schedule for today, call me when Y/n comes to the office." I ended the call right after that.

I sighed and tried to call him again, and like last time he didn't pick up.

I sighed after my nth try.

No Strings Attached | M. Mina x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now