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The next morning, Y/n started on cleaning the house from top to bottom and ending it with mowing the front lawn.

His neighbor came to say Hi while she walked her dog.

"I tell my son to cut your lawn sometimes for the past few years, they just grown now since he's overseas and I don't know how to work the lawnmower." She happily chatted with Y/n as he worked.

"Ah I forgot to mention, there's this girl that keeps on coming back here when you recently left." She added before she disappeared to her house.

Y/n stood still for a minute before continuing, it was probably her, he thought.

After he did the front lawn he took a shower and listed the things he needed to buy.

He started buying home electronics, necessities and other things he needed, the bigger once will just be delivered to his house and he proceeded to buy groceries.

Thankfully everything fit his rented car and he drove home.

"House, check, now I just need to find a job." He said out loud as he drove.

He stop at a red light and unconsciously looked out, he was in front of a park. He was people walk, run, play at it. From couples to oldies to children, in the park.

He thought for a moment before checking the time on his watch, and he decided.

Once the light turned green he turned towards the park.

"A little walk wouldn't hurt." He said before locking his car and started his stroll.

It was fairly peaceful, the air was probably not that poluted, but who knows.

He was still having his peacefull walk when someone took his attention.

"Old guy! Old guy!" A little girl called him, gripping his shirt.

Y/n frowned and pointed at himself, "Me?"

The little girl with black hair styled with light bangs.


Y/n frowned deeper as he crouched down to her level, "Anything I could help you with little girl?" Disregarding her calling him 'old guy' he smiled.

"I'm hungry." She pouted.

"And what has that have to do with me?" He tried to joke but the girl was having none of it.

"Old guy, don't joke around! I'm hungry!" She stomped her feet angrily, but in contrast, she looked cute.

Y/n laughed awkwardly, "Okay? What do you want to eat? I'll buy you some. And where's your parents?" He asked as he stood up and held the girls little hand.

"Ice cream!" The girl exclaimed happily as as she pulled him towards the small ice cream store. "I want vanilla!"

Y/n raised his brow but ordered a big cup of vanilla for her and chocolate for himself. After he paid he lead the girl to a nearby bench to sit.

"Where are your parents?" He asked again, he noticed the girl was wearing preppy clothes, she might come from a fairly rich family, no scratch that, she must come from a rich family, the necklace she's wearing is living proof. Y/n isn't 100% sure if it's a real diamond but nonetheless, no family would make a child wear a diamond necklace casually if they're not crazy rich.

"Work." The girl answered shortly, she was too focused on her ice cream. She's not a messy eater, she must've been taught manners.

"Then who are you with?" Y/n asked a little concerned for the girl, "And didn't your parents told you not to talk to strangers?"

"I'm with my nanny," She ate first, "And you seemed nice so I picked you."


She nodded, "You walked past a few kids who were alone, some younger than me and you didn't offer them candy like a bad person." She resumed eating.

Y/n was a bit stunned, the girl was smart.

"How old are you?"

"6! I'm gonna turn 7 in a few months!"

"What's your name?"



Y/n looked at a woman calling, she stopped in front of them panting a little.

"M-Miiko! I've been looking all over for you."

"Ah, are you her nanny?" Y/n butt in.

"Yes, I'm sorry if she has been troubling you." The woman bowed deeply.

"Ah no she hasn't."

The woman only smiled awkwardly before turning to the child.

"Miiko!" She addressed in a scolding manner, "Why did you run off on your own?"

"I wanted ice cream." She almost whispered, probably feeling guilty.

"I told you we'd get after my phone call."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, but next time don't do this again okay? Your mom will go crazy."

Miiko only nodded.

"Sir, I'll pay for her ice cream." The woman rummaged through her purse but was stopped.

"Ah no no, you don't have to, really, it wasn't expensive."

The woman wanted to insist but in the end didn't pay by Y/n wish.

"Bye then Miiko, stay out of trouble!"

"Will do! Bye uncle!" The little girl waved goodbye as she went inside a car with her nanny.

Y/n chuckled, at least he's not 'old guy's anymore.

He smiled at the moving vehicle before walking to his own.

A/n: Hello! I've suddenly gone for months (?) now, is it? Anyways, I felt guilty not updating so here they are.

To be honest, I was a little stuck in this story, I don't know how to write what's next and I actually just thought of leaving it as Y/n and Mina not going back together, but that's a bit cruel so I'm going back on the path of happy ending.

I'm planning to finish this story soon, hopefully.

Have a nice day!

Vote twice on mama!

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