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A/n: I got vaccinated with my first dose on last Monday (Nov 29) I completely forgot about it and cuz of it, I didn't get to finish my school works.

It hurt like a fucking bitch, not the needle part, more like the part where I can barely move my arm without wincing and shit.

Ps. Wrote this whole chapter in less than an hour, so it maybe meh.

3 weeks, it has been 3 weeks since Mina visited Y/n in his house, it reminded her of when she showed up in his house drunk, only this time she was completely sober, although that didn't stop her from doing something stupid.

"So your sugar baby came back?"

"He's not my sugar baby." Mina groaned.

"Okay, so, the fuck buddy you love came back?" Sana snickered as she picked some gouda from the charcuterie board.

Mina only rolled her eyes.

"That's rude Mitang," Sana playfully scolded the younger, "Ahh~" She motioned Mina to eat the gouda that she picked and Mina ate.

"What did you say his name was?"

"Y/n L/n."

Sana nodded and walked towards her desk to open a folder.

"Ah, here he is."

"You didn't get a private investigator did you?" Mina mused.

"No silly. This," Sana raised the blue folder, "is a compilation of secretaries, ranging form the vice president's to the lowest division head."

"He works here..?"

"Yup just got hired two weeks ago for our finance department head."

Mina was suddenly silent.

Sana just stared at her before making a joke, "Want me to fire him or..?"

Mina closed her eyes for a moment, remembering the time she showed up in his house, the surprised look on his face, how his features had mature over the past 5 years, and the wedding band on his left hand.

"Not now, I have some things I need to make sure first." Mina said before standing up and collecting her stuff.

"And once you do?"

"I'll cut all ties with him."

"Not every string can be severed, you know that Mina."

Mina chuckled, her eyes sparkling for a moment, "That string is impossible to be cut."

Mina said goodbye and see herself out of the CEO's office and to the elevator, she pressed the ground floor button and leaned back on the metallic wall with a deep sigh.

She closed her eyes to rest them for a moment as she thought what to do next.

Her thoughts were cut once the elevator door opened and two employees got in.

One of them, who she has no Idea existed at all, nod at her to greet while the other one had his eyes wide.

Mina diverted her gaze away from the guy who keeps on running on her mind and refuses to leave.

The two employees chatted, the other one, happily, while the other a little awkwardly.

"The others are celebrating later, you should come and meet everyone!"

"Yeah I will." Y/n accepted the invite.

The elevator door opened, "Ah, here's my stop, see you later Y/n!"

"See you, Sunbae!"

Once the elevator door have closed, the tension thickens, it felt suffocating for both of them.


Mina only stared at him, "Can.. can I come in?" She said after her eyes glanced at his left hand.

"I- yes, yes of course." Y/n opened the door wide and let Mina go in.

"Ahh I only manage to set up the couch, we can sit there if you like." Y/n suggested and Mina only nods, looking over the place and seeing unset furnitures in the corner.

Mina sat on the couch while Y/n took his seat adjacent to her in a single chair.

"I'm sur-"

"Where were you?" Mina cut him off.

"I- in America."

Mina nods, "Why?"


"Why did you leave?"

Y/n was tongue tied.

Mina waited, and waited for him to answer.


"This was a mistake." Mina stood up, cutting him off once more. Turns out she wasn't ready to hear why.

Y/n stood up too, he knows he needed to explain, Y/n owe Mina that.

"Mina wait."

"No. No. This- coming here was a mistake."


Mina ran, she ran fast into her car and left.

"Mina-" The elevator door opened in the ground floor and Mina started walking out of the metal box.

"Wait!" Y/n manage to grab Mina's arm before she can walk away.


"Can we talk? Properly? I know I'm a jerk asking you that but please Mina."

"N-Not now, please not now." Mina remove Y/n's grasp from her.

Mina started walking away, but halted before she can turn to the exit.

"I promise we'll talk." With that Myoui Mina has walk away yet again.

No Strings Attached | M. Mina x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now