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A few weeks had gone by and Mina and Y/n had gotten closer to each other.

It was Sunday, Mina had her whole day free from work and responsibilities, she was now currently in a café with her friends, Momo and Sana.


"So what?" Mina asked.

"What's been happening? Between you and your secretary?" Momo asked.

"Nothing." Mina only shrugged trying to avoid the conversation.

"That's it nothing? It's been months since you told us about what happened to you two and now? Nothing?" Sana said in frustration.

"What do you want me to say? Oh we've been fucking good in bed?" She snickered.

"Ha Ha funny. Give me the tea!"

"There." Mina gave her tea to Sana who only whined in return.

"Why are you so caught up in my affairs?"

"She was hoping that you'd fall in love." Momo answered for Sana.

Mina frowned at the two.

"Do you like him?"

"I mean yeah, I'm attracted to him physically."


"Yeah, that too." Mina said in a low voice, lower than usual.

She finally come in terms with her feelings a while back, she couldn't deny that she was already falling for her secretary.

"How about him?" Momo asked, making Sana who was squealing silently stop.

"Yeah," Sana nodded, "Does he like you? Romantically?"

"I don't know."

Sana sighed, "I swear to God, Mina, you sort this thing between you out, I get it you do what couples does, kiss, fuck, cuddle but you two are not committed with each other, don't wait for another woman to give him that."

"So you want me to confess? And have an actual relationship with him?"

"Yes!" The two older Japanese women said.

"I don't know how."

"Just ask him for dinner, maybe have sex afterwards then boom! Confess." Sana said like it was easy as 1 + 1.

"I'll find the right time to do that." Mina said before standing up, "Anyways, I have to leave you two, Dad wanted to have lunch with me."

The two nodded and waved her goodbye.

Mina got to her car and turned the engine on, she let it heat up while taking out her phone and dialing a number.

She was greeted by his voicemail.

"Hey Y/n, call me back soon as you can."

She said to the voicemail before driving off to her Father while thinking where her lover is.


Y/n looked up from his seat to see Nayeon in her nurse's uniform holding out a cup of coffee towards him.

"Thanks." He muttered before sipping the liquid beverage.

"How is she?" He asked.

"She's okay now." Nayeon sighed as she sat beside him.

"But she's been in pain Y/n. It's getting worse everyday."

Y/n heaved out a tired sigh.

"How bad is she now?"

"Her organs are starting to fail."

Y/n shut his eyes close, "How long does it take until we can fly to America?"

"A month or maybe less. We're just finishing up some papers then you'll be ready to leave."

"A month or less." Y/n repeated.

He heard Nayeon said yes but his mind was close off.

All he thought about as of the moment was Mina, he'd have to leave her in a month or less, it pained him, you can guess why.


"Let's do those papers quickly, Miyoung has to go to America soon." Nayeon nodded and excused herself to talk to Miyoung's Doctor.

'This is right, it's my fault anyways, so I need to sacrifice for her.'

Y/n teared his fingers rashly on his hair.

'I'm sorry, Mina.'

Just like Mina, Y/n was also falling, he didn't see it coming but he wouldn't deny it.

But he couldn't be selfish to let Miyoun go to America all by herself and go through all this by herself.

He felt guilty. He was the reason why Miyoung got the horrendous disease called hiv.

It was during the time they had just finished college, both had stable jobs now and is starting to be more adult. The two were inseparable, they were best friends after all and lived in the same roof when Y/n was still underage. They hang out often when they had their day offs.

But they had a big fight one night, Y/n walked out on Miyoung and left her all by herself. She decided to walk home than take a ride since she was crying.

Unfortunately for Miyoung, a man who's drunk noticed her and asked her to go to bed with him, of course Miyoung declined and was beginning to panic, the guy became more harsh and forced her, he raped her that night.

Thankfully Miyoung wasn't pregnant, but she did get a transmitted disease. That changed her life.

She insisted to still work until her body gave up on her, she was bedridden.

And that's where she is now. In the hospital fighting for her life, knowing she'll die soon.

And Y/n blamed himself the most.

If only he didn't walk out, if he didn't left her that night, if he wasn't being immature. Maybe Miyoung was now having the time of her life in a party or just living happily, not like this.

Y/n felt his phone buzz, he didn't take it out and let the voicemail do the work, he heard Mina saying to call her back.

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