[10] Savoring the Moments

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Long Chapter.





Different kinds of monster, started messily eating the food in a rush. While a hundred crowd cheered, to who they vouch for. But except for one group. This group was actually watching the contest, not only to vouch for their friend, but also to make sure he doesn't eat too much. By "too much", I meant including to eat the tray.

The different kinds of monsters, wasn't even close to halfway in finish the food. For one certain black skeleton already tipped the tray towards his mouth.

The said group rushed towards that black skeleton, and pulled the tray away. "Alright, that's enough!" Gradient said as he put the tray on the long table.


The emcee announced, then an aggressive cheering blow up for the remaining contestants. They may have no win, but at least they wont go last. "RelAx. I wAsn't gonNa eAt The tRay tHis tiMe, juSt fiNishiNg up thE cruMbs." Program stated, then looked down to the left over crumbs from the pie. The group did the same, then sighed in relief.

"Y-you don't n-need to finish up the crumbs, Program." Alphys informed. The others waited for Program to ask a "living under a rock" question, due to Program staring intently at the crumbs on the tray.

"oH, so That's hOw it woRks." The group sighed in relief once again, and this one didn't left unnoticed to Program. In truth, all of their actions NEVER get left unnoticed to him. "hEh, whY do yOu guyS looK, liKe yoU're glAd thAt diSneylaNd won't get dEstroyed." He said, with a smirking yellow teeth.

The group froze, like a child caught stealing from the cookie jar. "Pfffft, hahAh. You loOk hilaRious, I'm juSt kidDing. Jeez." Program said, while chuckling. Then leaned back to his chair, that's awfully dangerous for the group's perspective.

"And that's our Second and Third Winner!" The emcee announced. Program and the group turned their attention to the other contestants. The Second runner up was drinking water. The third runner up collapsed on the table, while their friend went to his aid and congratulate them for their success.

"weLl, nerDs. I got thE win foR ya', whaT elSe do You wanNa do?" The group looked back at Program, then smirked.

"Oh, we're just getting started." Gradient said. While Fresh and Alphys squealed, before running to get the prized.

Today was the School Festival, where many outsiders will come to the school to participate to.. whatever the students prepared for them. Program has been adjusting to the environment, but he still can't control his unspoken strength. Program also began to grow back to his own height. Right now, most students are just above his chest. The tall ones are just to his neck, he pretty much look like an adult, and the nerds are taking that to their advantage.

By the next few days, Program will have his true figure back. And Program and Gaster may have leave from this multiverse, to avoid more suspicions. Because to those few days, Program will actually look like a soldier from war. All the average people's height will be just up to his waists. All the students was already suspicious to his growth spurt, while Gaster just said that program passed puberty twice. And that just convinced everyone, and laughed it off.

Due to Program's status in the school, the whole school knows that Program will move out. It was so sudden. Program isn't even from this school, just a transfer student, it just devastating them to not have Program Graduating in this school. That's why the nerds used up Program as much as they want, like.. Going to place's that needs an adult, making him do the heavy decorating. And.. winning all the prize they want in this Festival.

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