[14] Meeting 'My Brother'

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The next day. Program went to Timmy's station as said, just in time to see the cat monster dozing off. "Hey, heAds uP." He called as he lightly kicked his station, getting his attention. "gEt thAt sLeep oFf yoUr faCe, caUse we'Re gOnna be uP aLl niGht." He stated, walking away, leaving the cat monster to follow.

"All night? How am I suppose to sleep?" Timmy asked, as he speed walked to Program. -since Program has a long strides-

"ThaT's yOur fiRst miSsion. FinD oUt hOw tO slEep, beCause whEn someone's at your throat you won't have the luxury to sleep." Program stated. It was so strange how he feels so cool right now, he was suppose to say he doesn't sleep. And he never expected to find such crafty excuse of a lie.

Timmy looked at him in awe, is this how strong people live their life? "Okay..." They entered the forest part of the empire, it was more of an area where they grow their farm. So it wasn't all that scary..

While they were walking, Program stopped him, then walked foth again. When Timmy was about to follow, Program threw a stick at him, as it landed just in front of him. "StAy." Stated Program. Timmy looked at him strangely, but did as told. Program was walking away like he was leaving, which got Timmy nervous. He was getting too far! At this point Timmy gathered up all of his strength, to keep his legs glued on the ground.

"Hey!" A familiar glitchy tone called, cutting him off of his thought. "You sEe thAt brAnches oveR theRe?" Timmy saw branches of apple and manggo trees, that Program pointed out. "tHat's gOnna bE yOur oBstacLe. YouR gOnna rUn tO mE at hiGh spEed, wHile geTting oVer thOse. ThE fAsteR, thE bEtter."

Timmy looked at the strangely intimidating high branches, he was a cat, dangit! He wasn't suppose to be intimidated in heights. "B-but I can't jump that high!" He blurted out.

"cLimb it." Program sat down on his spot. Knowing full well it's gonna take long for the cat to finish, and long for the cat to do it all over again.


Program went to work as usual, only this time he went straight into the mansion. He was no longer a mere guard, he was now a Personal Body Guard for Dr. Geno. You know what? 'Personal Body Guard' is too long, even just by thinking it. Let's keep it simple, from now on we're gonna call it PBG.

He walked through the halls, until he reached his destination. Dr. Geno Sitzfleich's Office... Where the hell did his self-owned brother get that-... What's that word again? It starts with S with an R in the middle....... Last Name. Where the hell did he get his last name from?

He opened the door, and invited himself in. "Do you not know how to knock?" Program turned to where the sound come from, only to see Geno sitting on his desk.

He snorted at the familiar question. "FuNny, thAt HumAn seCretaRy askEd the sAme tHing." He walked in, and took himself a seat on a comfy chair. "Is iT imPortant?"

Geno stared at the Error look-a-like. Geno have heard about him killing the last participant by one attack, but looking at him right now. He looks completely harmless, but yet again he took down burglars with a blink of an eye. The fact he went into a prohibited room casually, and walked out casually like he did nothing forbidden, threw the normalcy out of the window.

Anyone could assume him arrogant, but they don't know what more this Error-fanboy can do. And they don't wanna risk the chances.

He looked back to his worksheets and said, "Knocking is a sign of respect, to let the person who owns the room know that you going into their personal space." He pushed a thin book, towards Program. "This will be your guide book as my, Personal Body Guard. Hope I see you in better performance."

Program took the guide book, and skimmed through the pages. He didn't understand a single thing.

-_okay, here's a late thought fact. Error apparently can't read words, he only read codes. I only thought of this now so I'm not gonna rewrite it, I'm gonna let you see the improvement of my creativity._-

But like how he usually deal with words, he's gonna look into the codes later. Codes are alway better in his opinion. He went back to his seat, "So.. One quEstion..." Geno hummed indicating he was listening. "If i don't reSpect tHe persoN who reasiDes beHind the doOr.. Does thAt meaN i cAn juSt barGe in?" Geno looked at Program with an unreadable expression...


As Program did his job accordingly, he also trained Timmy mercilessly. He never let Timmy sleep, and Program could care less. Timmy would doze off his job, and get punished. He was almost dead tired. Why 'almost'? Because he hasn't reach Geno's level of exhaustion.

Every night, Program would train Timmy. And when Timmy gets hit by insomnia, he would work on training himself. Yeah.. he got insomnia because of the restless night. Despite all that, he didn't gave up. After all, he put this upon himself.

Although, he did question.. "Why am I only trained to run over this branches?" He asked one day. And he replied with, "Because, thiS is hoW i wAnna trAin you. You trAin yourSelf hoW you wanna bE trAined." Timmy didn't understand it. He thought of it as Program being lazy and selfish, but he did a couple of experiment in training himself nonetheless.

Days went by, Program finally decided to get him to action, and gave Timmy a merciful rest. But Timmy was on edge, sleep wasn't possible.

In situations like these, he would train. But he didn't want to be weak and low of stamina in action, so he prepared for battle. He thought of endless possibility of where Program, his Master would take him...


It's so ironic for a security guard to commit such crime... Timmy NEVER expected this outcome.

To be Continued...

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Well, that took so long... WOw, Haha.. Timmy is more involve that expected. Oh, Well. The next chapter will be the last mention of him, 'why do I sound like I want him dead...?'. I got Timmy involve maybe because he's that one character who is normal.... I think..

I have a book art, you can request arts there.

Also, I got a new name, Newra. Which is cool, because there's 'New' in it.

Word- 1008

Newra out-

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