[6] Fair Fun

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Warning; this chapter may include many time skips.

"ugGgghhhHhh.." Program grumbled, when he face planted on the new homey couch.

"Høw çømə ýøüŕ ţhĕ øņə, ţhåţ şøüņđęđ łįķə bəįņģ jųđģəđ." Gaster asked with his calm multiple voice, while heading upstairs with Programs bags.

"They diD jUdgE me! I meAn, I don'T cAre tHat tHeY juDgE me. But sErIousLy! Do i HaVe to rEPEat the GoDaMN eXplaNAtions, a tHouSAnd tiMeS?! GoD! I'd raThEr gEt toRTureD bY inK, tHan tAlkiNG to tHosE goODy-tWo-sHoEs!" Program complained while expressing his feelings with hand gestures, then crossed his arms as he finished.

~~~~~In the biological multiverse~~~~~

Ink was enjoying painting on a canvas.

He suddenly sneezed in the middle of his trance. "You, okay Ink?" Dream asked.

Ink wiped his non- existent nose. "Uhm, yeah" 'that was weird...'


He looked like an angry kitten. Gaster just smiled at him as he continued to descend up the stairs.

Error grumbled mixed with yell, then he slumped himself slump into the couch. Today was fricking annoying, the people he met while geting adoption papers, was treating him like frickin baby. Seriously, he was close to snapping out, saying that he fought a pointless war for eons, and then they treat him like this?!

Program's POV

It's alright to care, you know. But seriously?! Do you really have to treat me like a baby!? Fine! Treat me like your son or daughter or something, I don't care! But a baby?! I have never been so pissed in my life!!!


Meanwhile in the Program's Biological Multiverse..

???'s POV

"hi.'' Error's figure said.

I jolt up, and without any thought I instantly held both of his shoulders. "Error! Where are you!'' I yelled.

''DoN't tOuCH mE!'' he shouted with his glitchy voice filled with anger, he opened a portal and went through it. I always wondered why I can't feel his emotion in this.. Nightmare, I didn't even understand how I happen to have a nightmare.

Before the portal closed, I dashed in. I didn't have the time to look around where I am, when I saw Error's running figure. I ran after him, but when I was about to catch him, but he glitched out of the existence. I followed my instincts and look around for him, when I saw his running figure again. I ran after it, but the same thing happened again. I don't know how long have we been repeating the same scene, but with my desperate soul I keep on chasing him.

For what I assumed hours, the scene finally changed. And Error jumped off a cliff. I ran to the edge of the cliff to catch it before it fell. But I saw nothing, like literally nothing... but black. I have no fear for darkness, I just took the time to look at it this time. And then my instinct reacted again, it's like Error was leading me somewhere. I jumped to the abyss, and obviously everything turned black...








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