[3] Fitting in

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3rd person POV

The morning came, Error moved in Unique's place, he met her mom, he get to sleep in the resting room that Unique's family didn't use.

And now...

And now... Error is staring at the moving stairs going upwards, he thought magic doesn't exist in this world, and yet Unique is standing on it as it calmly move her towards the second floor, what if this is a trick. Standing on others territory was never a good idea.

"Program, you comin'?" Unique asked, when she noticed Error's absence on the moving stairs. she arrived at the second floor, while Error is still stuck on the ground floor. -and yeah he called himself program, cause if you get the wrong program, you get Error.

"Uh... aRe yoU sURe tHiS iS SaFE?" Error that is now called Program asked, while passing his glance from the moving stairs to Unique.

A mischievous grin made its way to Unique's face, and put her hands on her mouth as if she was to hide it, but it was piss off Error. "What are you sc-"

"I aM nOT ScaREd oF a SimPLe FrICkiN MoViNG StAIrS!!!" Error cut off her sentence as he protested, using a future sentence. -you know, when you eventually get used to it, you can say that word in certainty- Error is scared for life... to a 'moving stairs', it may not be alive, but it realeases intimidating aura in Errors view.

"Then get on with it, and by the way it's an escalator!" Unique shouted from the second floor for Error to hear. They didn't notice the many eyes watching them.

Error had to do something. And there is no way in hell, that he'll admit fear to a moving stairs. He held on to the railing, but his feet refused to get on the stairs. Error got drag by his arms that also refused to let go as he slumped on the moving stairs towards the second floor. "FuCk." Error muttered, making people giggle in his situation. Error stood up on the moving stairs, with an iron grip on the -also- moving railing, as if his life depends on it.

As the moving stairs is near to Errors destination, Unique streched out a hand for Error to take, but with blink of an eye. Error dashed into the floor, and held the nearest sturdy object to hold onto, and that object was a mannequin.

"Well.. that was unexpected. I guess it's congratulations on passing the.. second floor." Unique said as she looked at Error grasping onto the mannequin, like a scared kitten. "Oh my gosh! You look like a scared kitten!" To this sentence Unique almost swoon, if she can turn her pupils to star, she would have done it already.

Error, since he stepped on that moving stairs haven't say a word, he glared at Unique trying to cut her off, but to no avail she didn't stop. He sighed as he let go of the object he was holding, he looked at the overlaping tall mannequin that has clothes model. It looked like a freezing human to his perspective, so he- uh.. crashed.

Unique finally stopped teasing, hearing that long lasting beep from Error. "Huh?" She walked towards him, and heard a robot-like woman's voice counting, skipping ten's to hundred, and moving error's in his eye sockets. 'Reload complete' with a last small beep. Error's mismatch pinprick came back. "Wow, you really are a program... a programming computer." Unique stated.

A glare was the first impression Error made after the reload, the glare was towards Unique, but Unique felt like it wasn't for her this time. She turned around to the mannequin beside her. "So.. did the mannequin piss you off or something?" She looked back at Error as that glare vanished into a confuse face.

"A mAnNEqUin?" Error said, more like demanding answers, if you fear him that two words would sound like a threat.

But of course thanks to Unique's wierdness, she don't know how to identify a threat. "Yes, a mannequin. It's a body figure to model to model a desigmer's clothes, I have some at home." Unique explained.

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