[1] The Usual

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I'm not good with comedy, but I gotta atleast try.. hope you enjoy the story.

3rd POV

Error steped out of the glitchy portal and landed on the snow, he turned his head both sides scanning the area of snowdin. "HmM... lET Me sEe.." He said as he raised his hands half-level to his body, and small portal-like existed. At the top of it titled 'Altertale' in bold letters. "HAhA.. wHAt Am i doINg? WhEn i CaN JuSt deStrOY It." Error said as he closed the mini-portal, and started walking to the skelleton brother is supposed to live, but instead toriel and asgore is. Because at this time this is where the human is, he knocked on the door, and was responded by a muffled 'coming' with a joyful voice.

Error was greeted by a bright smile from Asgore. "Hello, how may I help you?" Asgore said as that's what he thought a neighbor would say to new neighbors, and he just happen to consider error as new neighbor knowing that he have never seen him before.

"AwW, wHaT a sHAme, I hAD a gOOd kNoCK kNOcK JoKe uP My sleEVes." Error said with an obvious fake regret in his tone. "Oh, wELl." He shrugged it off just like that as he tied up the people in the house with his strings. Excluding the human for he instantly killed them, and took their soul to the anti-void for his colletion and to get it out of the way.

Now we can start the game.

He walked to the center of Snowdin town where everyone can see. Some monsters acted natural and decided not to judge him, some kept there distance, and some just stared in suspicions. Once Error reached the certain spot he pulled out his strings, and pulled out one of the monsters soul to him as the monster got dragged with it.

"oKaY, leT'S pLAy A gAMe. YoU rUn aND hIDe, wHiLE I cATch yOU." He said with an evil grin plastered on his face, as he crushed the poor monsters soul as the monster dusted. The citizens flinched and watched in horror, as they couldn't get their eyes off the scene. Thank heavens one of the monsters screeched, getting them out of their trance as they started running like ants. "Hahaha. THaT's It. RuN wHilE yOU cAn gLItcHes!" Error yelled and started hanging the monster in the strings, as screams of panick continues along with whimpers.

And in the end, no one got escaped nor got evcuated to hotland. Knowing alphys she would already know the incident in Snowdin, so she warned everyone and evacuated, to who is left uncaptive in the underground. Even if they did that. Error still found them effortlessly, he's a Sans too afterall, even if didn't remember how he used to act. He tied them up with strings, now every monster in the underground is captured.

He then walked to the judgemental hall, and stood there. "EaSY aS alWaYS." Error said as he pulled one string, it didn't show what it did, but knowing every monster in this underground is tied up, it's already obvious.

Error then opened a mini-portal, that is filled with codes as he deleted the 'Altertale copy no. ***'

The universe started to crumble as he left the portal.

-Time skip-

After five destroyed au's later with the same incident. Error is now in an another au and was about to destroy,  but...


The 'hero' came.

Error turned to face ink. "Oh. hEllo, INk. I wAs exPeCTing yOU." He said with his usuall evil grin.

"This is your last chance to surrender, and stop destroying. For I, will end you." Ink said at might, while pointing his paintbrush to Error.

"LaST cHAnCe. HahaHa, dON't mAKe mE laUgH." Error said as leaned back, his right hand on his face, and the other at his stomach. "WeLl, ThERe's oNly oNe wAY tO FiNd OUt!" He pulled out his strings, and prepared for battle.

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