[19] Wardrobe Malfunction

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After the divine welcoming party, Program was given time to settle down in the castle. He thought it was only temporary that he lives in the castle, just show of power of a god favoring the moon empire's side, not that he minded, but it seems the Emperor was serious in his decision.

Usually, Program wouldn't care about mortal affairs. But if the mortals have decided to welcome him, he always had the obligation to give them something from him.

So he gave them something he can do best.


It was easier to just teach them how to be a dangerous individual, but teaching them all the techniques without proper accomodations would leave a strain onto their mortal bodies.

So, he began with a basic battle strategy he knows.

How to survive a fatal blow.

His time as a god is popularly known that he not only fights his counterpart, the god of Creation, but also his followers that worship him. And being beaten was a common occurrence for him.

The soldiers was skeptical at first, they didn't think this was possible, there was a reason why it's classified as fatal. So they didn't believe they'd be able to survive a fatal attack, there was a huge difference in a god's vessel compared to mortal bodies.

That's okay, they were still in the medieval period after all, their medical knowledge was not yet that developed. But they were underestimating the true power of adrenaline.

Next lesson something he have shared to many others.

This was an era where he wished to erase himself from existence, without directly doing it himself.

How to kill a god.

To the soldier this idea was too far fetched. It was already impossible to believe that they could survive a fatal injury, how could they imagine killing a literal god.

It was terrifying enough to witness the god of destruction before their eyes, imagine their horrified expressions when the god volunteered to demonstrate exactly how to fight against gods.

They were convinced this was how they'd all die.


For all the time that Gaster has gotten to know Program is that he never change his clothes. If it comes the case his attire get ruined, he would just fix it and still wear it the next day. To put it simple, Program's clothing had an innumerous amount of stitches.

Recently, he has been changing his clothes on a regular basis, and Gaster was happy to help with that.

"What do you want?" Program announce his arrival as he entered the lab.

"Just in time." Gaster turned to the glitched being standing by the door. "It has occured to me that you've been changing your attire quite regularly since your residence in the castle."

"Oh, yeah. The soldiers are learning faster. They haven't yet left a scratch on me, but they've been able to leave tears on my clothing. The emperor Nightmare was not happy with me walking around in tattered clothing." He wouldn't blame Nightmare for wanting him to look presentable, he seemed to put him on high pedestal because of his title.

"Does it bother you?"

"Not really. It's better than fixing my clothes everytime it gets ruined, apparently it's normal for them to burn clothes after they are used." He clicked his tongue, "And I thought I was destructive."

"*Fortunately, I have invented a tool specifically for you."

"What's that?"

"This device will create a hologram to imitate the function of a fabric, with this you can choose any attire you wish with just the tap of the button."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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