[12] Mystery Plans

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GuYs! Im bAcK! I was having second thoughts about publishing this, but you waited long enough. So, might as well just do it.

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Nightmare has sent a spy to the Error-look-a-like, to on a look out for the mysterious being. He found that the skeleton have an unhealthy life style, and his spy was a little jumpy while in their report. The skeleton's name was Program, it's a strange name, because he has a feeling that it's a word than a name. [This is the Old Age, so the word 'program' doesn't exist yet. At least to what I think...] He appears to love... knitting? He bought so many yarns, that he almost emptied a fabric shop. Cross mentioned that he was knitting a small scarf for his feline.

A couple of weeks later, he applied as a guard duty in the Lord Geno's residence. And it's perfect, by a month away a Masquerade ball is gonna be thrown in the castle for an auction. Nightmare just have a plan in mind of how to make the skeleton attend, and finally meet him in person.

He just have to be patient...


Program suddenly have a the urge to sneeze, which is strange, because he rarely sneeze. And even if he was sick, he wouldn't even feel it. Well, there's no point thinking about it.

He worked in his brother's alternate, which he's not close to. Their not usually close to his brothers. They act like strangers, but at the same time they don't. Because, he swore his younger brother annoys him from time to time. He was sitting in his station, while playing with the kitten. He had gone to patrol earlier, but he likes to call it a morning walk. Because... well, because nothing happened.

And we all know what that means. Nothing to do means, more time to be lazy. On why he's here is quite simple..


Program was walking back to where he usually stays, on his way there he found people surrounding the bulletin board. Him being bored and a little bit curious, decided to check it out.

Since he was wearing his glasses today, he only focused on the paper stuck on the board. "Three Burglars snuck into Geno Sitzfleisch mansion. Two escaped, one captured. The captured burglar was found holding an important info from the mansion. Five Guards has been murdered in the heist." Program was expressionless, as he silently reads the news. When he left the crowded area, he felt a grin coming it's way to his teeth.

(Sitzfleisch- it has two meanings; a person's buttocks or a similar meaning to determination)

He was curious what's the 'important info', and he wanted to see it for himself. What? He ALWAYS steals Red's chocolate, what makes this thing any different.

"Isn't that the monster who killed the last participant as the next henchmen for the king?"

"I'm not sure, I swear he had a huge hole on his skull, like Lord Horror's, while in his battle."

"Yeah, I know. But he looks like he is, because he almost look like-"

Yeah, Program forgot about them. Ever since he settled in, and news of his 'dramatic entry' spread around the empire. People has been like this towards him. They won't do anything though, except the delinquents in the alleys.

~end of flashback~

'Oh, 'was curious about the 'important info'... Huh.. I don't think I've ever been curious before. I'm gonna take this Multiverse travel, as a vacation. Either way, by the time I get home, the squid will probably witness the AUs colliding to each other. It would be funny to see him accusing me for its destruction.' Program thought. And with that in mind, he waited patiently on his station. But it gets a little too bored without the gangs to mess around.

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