[8] The Insane Monster

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Nightmare was bewildered, when he didn't feel any pain. He swear to History that he heard the gun shot, and to his growing curiosity. He was tempted to open his eye sockets, seeing Program bending up the assailant's arms upward.

It happened so fast, that it took him some seconds to realize. To the assailant's shock, he jumps back, away from Program. He wouldn't be surprise about Program's daring act, because he have assumed that he's no average monster. So he stood up, to at least not make himself from being too submissive.

"SeriOusly, i doN't reAlly caRe if yoU comE and pAy a visiT to tHis scHool, buT woUld yoU miNd keePing it dOwn? thEre's sTudentS leArnin' heRe." Program stated as he puts his hands into his pockets.

The assailant scoffed. "What's this? A guy and a student playing to be the hero.. Do you really think you could stand a chance?" he mocked, while his crew laughed.

Program scratched his skull, acting like nothing's happening. "weLl, for sTarters.. I'm not pLa-" before he could even finish or even reach half of his sentence, the considered leader shot him right on the skull.

And just like that. The students and teachers saw the scene in slow-motion. it felt like the world stopped time, just for them to see their schoolmate die in an instant. While Gaster's eye glasses shined, -anime style- as was Program thrown back taking impact from the bullet. Their view went white and seeing Program as the focus in their sight. Mr. Nightmare's pinpricks shrunk. mixed emotions ran into his very soul.. sadness, anger, and fear. The student that intrigued him, by the past two days, suddenly dying in front of him.

The assailants laughed enjoying the students and teacher's reaction, they were pleasured by how their victim acted so tough, and then just died without a fight.

"hahah.. he didn't even dodged the bullet!!!" The men were wheezing. The teacher's finally snapped out of their trance, and glared at the assailants with rage. All of the students were terrified for different reasons. PJ froze. He help but see his own Father being in Program's place, same goes for his siblings, due to their similar appearance.

BP also froze.. he admits that he wants to put Program in his place, but this... this is too much to take in. Program's companions in the meantime was shocked in fear, staring at Program's laying body. But there's one thing that confuses fresh greatly....

Didn't all monsters have magic blood? [I know this isn't a fact, but pls stick with the plot here]

Fresh's unspoken question was answered, when Program slammed the leader of the assailants head to the ground as blood started to pool aroud their head. Fresh didn't know how he got to him so fast, when he was just lying on the ground a while ago. He was sure he was staring at his dead body, but now.. he's staring at his figure.. on a dead body.. -wow.. I'm speechless-

Program started laughing ever so creepy, his left hand holding the leader's head, while the other holding his own skull. He stood up with his hands still on his skull, while the other went to hold his stomach. The holdapers was backed up slowly, face white as a sheet. While trembling in fear, like a dear cought in headlights. Mumbling out incoherent words, about how Program is insane.

"HaHahAh.. hahAh.. HahahAha..*gasp*.. It's rUde to shOot sOmeoNe wHile thEir stiLl talKing.." Program said as he stopped laughing, putting his hands back in his pockets. Closed his one eyesocket, using the well known 'Sans position'. "buT no maTter, wanNa heaR a jOke?.... wHy diDn't hiStory reMembeR mE?" He asked.

Everyone was puzzled.. soo puzzled. Mr. Nightmare jolts up about the mention of history. BP, was now convinced about what Gaster speak of Program being insane. I mean, he's JOKING, right? Gaster was tempted to sit on a bench and read a book, and let the situation play. Many feared the black skeleton on front of them, taking all the spotlight.

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