[5] Pleasant Surprise

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Chapter summarry; Surprise! Error meets the Gaster from his Multiverse, and have a little chat.

A/N; hello, peeps! I'm back.
This chapter was inspired by 's story, if ya want to know how I got the idea, read the A/n at the end of the chapter. Hope you like it! Oh! Before I forget, I suggest you check out their stories, trust me it'll make you forget where you are.

Ps: Error will now be called by his new name.

Pps: I didn't read the certain author's note, becuase it's digly darn long XD.


The two latter got to their destination, Program did the honors in opening the sliding door. His childish act have already worn out, but he kinda like the new way in opening a door.

Gradient went in followed by Program, the moment the glitching skeleton set his eyes on the Science teacher he was quite surprise, why? Because the one sat on the teacher's desk, was the first monster that fell into the void...


Translation- GASTER

Program froze, while slightly glitching. Gaster was one of the people that has been wronged, but some of the smarter judges had a little faith, that Gaster wasn't an evil person.

'N-no, calm down.. t-this is the gaster from this multiverse.' Program sighed, then noticed Gaster staring at him, he would assume it was because he looked like Coach Error. But that look was rather calm, like he has been waiting for this day for his whole life.

Program shrugged it off, and sat with Gradient on a partner seat at the center for the three rows of seats.

The bell rang indicating for the students to settle in their room. 'Science Teacher' Gaster started teaching the class, like usual. While Program.. Program was sure this Gaster didn't act like a normal teacher, did he underestimate a Gasters intilegent. Program tried many times to distract himself on the lesson, which didn't help, because he already knew about everything.


25 minutes later Gaster finished his lesson, but the students only understood a few. Well, non can blame them, Gaster was a real scientist and not just a science teacher. Now, to think about it.. Program put the puzzle together to know this Gaster doesn't belong here, there are still missing peices, but he's nearly in the level to complete that puzzle.

Mr. Gaster clasped his book close, when he looked at his watch. "Thåţ'ş įţ føŕ ţøđåý, çłåşş đįşmįşşęđ." He said, and mind you, Gaster wears his multiple voices. "Åņđ Pŕøģŕåm, pls şţåý şęåţęđ. Į'đ łįķę ţø håvę å wøŕđ wįţh ýøų." Gaster stated as Program oblige, after all, he was planning to find out himself. But it seems like the Gaster himself knows most of what's happening.

Every student went out the room including Gradient, after they had their quick goodbyes. Program then stood up, and walked to the teacher. "So, wHat dO yOu waNna tAlk aBouT?" Program bluntly asked, he won't be late in anything today, it's his free time the next 30 minutes and 1 hour lunch time after that.

Gaster faked a surprise look. "Øh? Į ţhøųģhţ ýøų wånţęđ åņşwęŕş fŕøm mę, şįņçę ţhįş Ģåşţęŕ åçţęđ şø øųţ øf płåçę. Øŕ şhøųłđ Į şåý øųţ øf ţhę Mųłţįvęŕşę." He gave a knowing smirk to Program, like he was reading his mind in the whole 25min. class. Then Program....


"Į'vę ķņøwņ ýøų føŕ ęøņş, çåņ'ţ şåý Į đįđņţ ęxpęçţ ţhįş ţø håppęń." Gaster said to no one, as Program started rebooting or should he say programming.

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