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Warning: This story have a general plot, but not in main. So there will be certain infos and facts being revealed randomly.


This is life.

A certain skelleton thought, lying on the endless void of white, with knitting suplies lays around him.

Not too peaceful,

Thousands of blue strings hanging on the non-existant cielling,

Not too chaotic.

with thousands of different sanses dolls.

This is what we call...

Error lays in the anti-void, in a snow angel position, but without any motion. While closing his eyes, enjoying the silent peace in the anti-void. But suddenly...


"OuCH." Error said with a slight sarcastic tone in his voice, he open his eyes as he felt a stinging pain in his soul, but his expression never change, for he still have his usuall calm expression. He pushed himself up and creats a portal to the new a new Au. "WeLP...
BaCK tO wORk."

He said. As the glitchy portal closed when he got through.

'While the camera was left to stare at the vast whiteness of the anti-void.'


I rarely have plans everyweek, so I tend to make myself busy by writing two stories in every week.

Published- 7-24-20

Hope you enjoyed the story fellow readers!

Greed out!-

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