[15] Perspective

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Just like that... Timmy's reality shattered. Only because of his Master's way of seeing the world in different reality. His Master didn't succumb into Negativity or Positivity.. He only does what he wants, whether it's good or bad.


"Hey, pusSy cAt! Get reAdy for toMorrOw, I'm gOnna get yoU in acTion." Program stated as he walked pass Timmy's station. He continued through the mansion, and straight into Geno's lab. Of course, not forgetting to knock. Geno's a physician of course he has a lab.

Geno approved his entrance, and went in. It was strange working for his brother, he only worked for what he was Fated in all his life. Working for other being created from the celestial beings was a joke to him. He didn't work for Nightmare, all he did was NOT destroy the AU's he corrupted, respectfully for their similarities.

Nothing personal.. Nothing personal at all....

But working for something that feels more like a vacation than a job was... Refreshing. (This literally broke off the solemn atmosphere. 🤣)

He could have done this back then... But, there were too many reasons he couldn't.

He sat in one of the chairs in the room. There is said in his guide book, that he was to "stand" guard over Geno, and watch out for danger. But meh, he do whatever he wants. Unless it's Ink stain trying to assassinate Geno, it wouldn't be a problem.

But that wouldn't happen, unless- you know what? Let's just say in common sense it won't happen. Look at that Geno is saying something.

"I am invited to the Ball in the castle, and you are to accompany me. Seeing that you wear the same clothes everyday, I can only assume you have nothing else to wear. Shoah will lend you some-"

"I doN't weAr anybodY else's clothEs, I maKe my oWn." Program interrupted. Geno looked at him, his expressionless face proves in all seriousness.

Geno went back to his work, but not without stating, "Wear something decent, make a mask while your at it. This is a Masquerade Ball, after all."

Program had no clue what a Masquerade Ball is, he didn't even know what's a "Ball" is. But he decided to just do as he says, less problem to solve.


Timmy couldn't believe what he heard. Program captured burglars majestically, when he met him. Program was his the inspiration to be stronger, despite appearing lazy and ignorant. And to hear him ask this was sacrilege.

"If you doN't wannA do iT, yOu can chicKen out nOw. PersonaLly, i trAined yoU jusT foR this. Back oUt noW, cAuse yOu can'T do so oNce we beGin." Program said, without missing a hint of manipulating intent. He scanned the whole building going to rob... I know he doesn't need to, but he do what he wants. Leave him be.

Program only trained Timmy to be his sidekick in burglary, something he shouldn't do in so many reasons to point out.

It broke Timmy, just like always. It seems Program was nothing different from all the strangers he met.. Selfish. It didn't bother him at first, perhaps it was because he got used to it upon this selfish world.

Others would give reasons on why they should do this. And the way his "Master" said it in his face, shows how little he cares, it was out of his nine lives experience. He hated it. But he owe him a debt..

"To pay back my debt, I will do it. But once it's done, I don't want my name to be mentioned in this robbery." He stated firmly. Yes, the firm decisions.. if it weren't for Program he would still be that security guard, that is weak and useless to his job.

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