[4] Catch Me If You Can!!!

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Chapter Summary; Everyone sees the fearless Program(Error). He will bully BurgerPants as a little lesson.

In fact Error didn't jump off the window, instead he went in the 3rd floor window. With his experienced reflex he manage to flip into the 3rd floor, someone near to that window flinched, others was confused.

He continued to walk into his next class as he thinks about his previous class. It was no fun at all when Mr. Nightmare teaches history 'in a matter of fact' way, instead of saying it in 'his-story'. The next class by the way is.. Art.

As Error arrived, he slide the door open with a grin. Most students are already here with partners, paying Error no mind. He went in after sliding the door close, he sat on front beside someone who didn't have a partner. This someone has the looks opposite to Error's color code.

Error's eye color code was red in the eye base, yellow eyeballs, and blue pupils. While this guy was yellow eye base, red eyeballs, and black plus sign pupil wearing a black hood with gradient tech designs on it, their similarities was their balck bones. "HeY" Error called out as the guy looked at him. "Can i siT herE?" Error gestured the seat.

The black bone hooded skelleton looked at him, seeming to be lost in thought. Error was losing patience of what's taking too long for him to think, so he fake-cough to cut him off his trance, and it worked. "Huh?.. uhm.. yes, yes. Sure, you can." He said rather quickly, trying to escape the awkward atmosphere.

Honestly, everyone was looking at them, because of Error look like they're P.E teacher. Error then sat down as stared at the blank canvas, the guy beside him was staring at him, like as if he was examining him.

Error looks back at him. "WhaT?" He asked rising a brow bone, the guy looked away. "YoU knOw, stAriNG aT me iS aLriGHt as lOnG as I'm mOviNG arOunD, siNcE wE'rE stUCk on A chAiR, mIgHt aswELl tAlK beFore wE geT oUrsElveS in more awkward situation." Error went back to his blank canvas, he just can't wait to draw his collection of souls and puppets, for todays little lesson.

While Error was busy on his thoughts about his collection, the hooded guys finally spoke up. "I-I'm sorry.. you ju-just look so much like my dad." He fidgeted with his clothes.

"So? WhAt aBoUt iT?"

"Uhm.. I'm just a little shocked.." He looked away again, but still uncomfortable, because he somehow wants to be friends with him. While, Error just went back staring to his canvas. "I-I'm Gradient, my dads name is Error he's a P.E. teacher." The skelleton now knowned as Gradient said.

Error stares at Gradient blankly, like he was reflecting on the blank canvas. "WeLl, naMeS PrOgRam, and can't say I haven't heard of him." Gradient sighed he didn't know what to feel, this is just so weird. I mean, seriously, there's a student that looks exactly like his father.

'I wonder how Ink acts in this Multiverse..... speaking of Multiverse I haven't thought much about this.' Error thought, before the school bell rang. 'I'll investigate it after school, besides school ain't half bad.' And with that Ink came in in normal tan t-shirt, and brown pants with a sweater wrapped around his hips.

'Heh. finally, someone has a sense of average fashion.' Error thought as a grin came it's way on his face. Ink looked at him in confusion.

"Error? What are you doing in my class?" Ink asked, when he put down some of his things on the desk, the bigger objects on the.

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