[7] Tell Me About Him

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I got angry to so many beautiful writers out there for not updating their well made books. And then I looked at myself, and then my inner consciousness hit me with a car and said. "Aren't you a writer yourself?" And I was like.. "Damn, you're 'write'." So I tapped the 'add chapter', and end up writing this now XD XD XD.

I hope you enjoy the story readers, you're worth every penny. Stay Awesome <3

Sinscerely Greed-


No one's POV

*Crash-* *Bang*

Everyone looked at the road to see a high school student and a kid, on front of an awfully damaged and bended car. The high school student just scratched his skull, like as if something like this was normal. Saying some words to the kid, while the kid just stared in awe.

Third person's POV

Program scratched his skull, while looking at the glowing kid. "Look kiD-"

"Super man!!!" Program was interrupted by the child jumping onto him, glitching a bit by the contact, but he did with all his strength to hold it back. "Mommy! It's superman, it's superman!!!" The kid chirped enthusiastically, while Program struggled to keep the kid up without glitching.

Program walked back to the pavement they were walking on, and put down the kid. "LooK kiD, i dUnno whO's suPermAN Is, bUt yoU gottA stAy on tHe siDewaLks. iT is sAid thAt kiDs liKe yoU beiNg on tHe rOad is dAngeroUs." Program said it like as if it wasn't that dangerous, saying it for the safety of others, and a definition of nothing is dangerous for him.

"You're not superman? Then who are you?" The kid asked with a little hint of disappointment in his voice.

Program didn't thought this question would come, but he's so-well ready for it. He used his infamous grin, that could send shiver down everyone's spine. "I am ErrOr, The gOD And deStroyer Of woRlds!" He smiled maniacally to the kid. -you know... that villain smile-

Since he already accepted being evil, he was expecting the kid to cry and run to his mommy, just to make fun in this ever so peaceful Multiverse. But instead, the kid's reaction was opposite. His eyes shined even brighter at the God, Program's maniac smile faded into confusion. He was so confused of why the kid isn't running away terror in his eyes, and how his reaction is the total opposite.

Program swear to 'Broomie', that this Multiverse isn't the positive mirror to his Multiverse. And yes, this world is no where near to be a reflection to theirs, because it's a world without a Godly ruler. The kid stared at Program without blinking, and Program not used to the stare of admiration, he spoke up.

"uUuuhHh... I thiNk you shOuld go tO yoUr mOm now." And a Very new experience to Program, the kid obliged and ran to his mother, with that over-glow look on his face.

Program exhaled, like as if he breath for the for the first time. His companions walked towards.

"Are you okay?" Gradient asked..

"Okay?! He just got hit by a car, and..." Fresh looked at the car... "bended the front..."

"That was so cool, Program! What did you do to have such power!?" Papyrus said 'dramatically', while Alphys is just staring like Fresh. The driver in the other hand was traumatize, not in fear, but with excitement that he CAN'T get it out.

Program let out a shaky breath. "thAt waS sCary..." Error mumbled, as the nerds looked at him.

"Yeah, like the car just bumped you, and the car bended. But I don't think you're scared of that." Fresh said, utterly annoyed about Program being oblivious to almost everything.

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