[13] Act of Robbery

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As usual, Program went to work in Geno's place, but a night shift. The Night was suppose to be normal, and have a little difficulty in making his 'mystery thief' mask. But nooooo!.. The guy he qouted Nightmare's spy just had to come barging in.

He really thought the guy he bumped into -when he thought about being a mystery thief- was Nightmare's spy. But he was wrong.. well- half wrong. The guy is a spy, but not from the King.

Wait, he's getting off topic! That guys' group is gonna mug Geno's!-... uhh work 'house'. 'Wait.. being the mystery thief was suppose to be my Job!' He thought as irritatedly chased the thieves, not forgetting to alarm the other guards. 'Hmm.. if I reveal their identity, maybe they won't be a 'mystery thief' anymore!! Yess! That's a great Idea, I am gonna be the Brilliant Thief!'

The alarmed guards chased the thieves, but the thieves already got in the mansion, so they continued the chase in the mansion. The group scattered, probably acting as a distraction. But Program knew better, they were after that 'important info'. Well, he heard it was important, so that could be the reason they came here. He went straight to the storage vault.

And as expected the thief is there, finding a way to open the vault. Since Geno was famous from his incredible ability to cure the uncurable disease, it's clear it was what they were after. But at what cause though? Couldn't they just hire Geno, to cure whoever is ill?

Program threw whatever weapon, that was given to the guards, to where ever the thief's arms is. The theif dodged the attack, preventing him from opening the vault. They faced Program with an unreadable expression, because... well- they were wearing a mask. The thief prepared for battle, while Program sprinted to them, and hit them with the metal pole... or something- he didn't bother knowing what it is, as long as it's a weapon. It threw them a few meters away, whilst dropping something.

And just like that, he knocked out the thief. Don't bother asking why it's that easy, this is an average mortal versus a God. Program looked at the dropped item, it was a makeshift key. He looked at the door to the vault, it was made of metal. Which concluded Program to think, people in this Era don't know how to just smash the concrete wall. As he thought of that, he looked at the wall surrounding the door with a deadpanned expression.

And without a thought he unlocked the metal door with the makeshift key, just in time for him to notice it was different from other keys here, but he payed it no mind. He opened the vault, and went in casually... what? He did mention he was curios about the 'important info' from dream.

The room was filed up with papers, boards that are filled with words he didn't bother understanding. And an another board, that was filled with silhouette drawings of different kinds of monsters.

He glanced at the papers, there were head title which he assumed the name of the disease. There were a lot of them: Chagas Disease, Leprosy, Hookworm, Tuberculosis.... and so on. He didn't bother reading more of it, since it's for humans, and their confusing organs.

He went to the board, with monster silhouette drawings on it. In every drawing, there was a soul located on their chest. And a lot of curved scribles to which he assumed as soul energy, which made the monster body be able to move.

A monster disease was a lot harder to heal, because it started from the soul. And when it starts, it's nea impossible for it to cure. Just like Flowertale, monster suffer from the disease of flowers blooming in their souls. The human had it worse, because of the many organs that can be vital points. Made it more painful for them.

Once he was sattisfied, he turned arround. Planning to leave, and never to come back here ever again, for there is no point in doing so. But before he could take a single step towards the door, he was met with the same thief earlier... actually this one is much taller, and with a confusing sword. But to Program they look the same, with the masked uniform and all.

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