[2] Fall

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"Error!!! We're not yet finished!" A familliar voice rang behind Error. Error was quite surprised to how he found him here, knowing that outer would never call ink. But he have some theories, Ink must have notice his galaxy-like design on his scarf, which got him the idea of outertale.

Error sighed and he stood up, putting his still ripped scarf, and from his spot he turned to Ink while wearing his best-villain face. "Oh, YeAh? THeN, lEt'S fiNiSH IT!" Error said as he pulled his strings from his eyesocket, he started making a string web in their area.

Ink charged broomie with red paint, he swung it to Error. While Error dodged pulling himself to his web, he summoned a black-glitched gasterblaster shooting it to Ink.

Ink also dodge that attack, he then again wave broomie to Error, and the same scene to happen again.

Error added his black-glitched bones to pale at ink, but Ink stomped on it as he used it as a boost to reach Error. Ink caught Error by surprise, but it's not like this is the first time, Error just forgot what's different to fighting in outertale.

Ink swayed broomie to Error with purple string, which caught Error as it turned into a chain. Error lost his balance on his string, and started falling off while his strugling to free himself on the chains. He was expecting to land on the cliff... but instead Error went straight falling into the void.

For a moment Error went blank thinking it'll end here.. nonononononono- I can't stop here. The guys won't like this, they can't make it when I'm gone! And for so many eons Error shed some tears, to which he thought it already run out. But to no avail, Error couldn't get the chains off him. Nooooo! Error panicked in his thought as he continue to fall into the void, not even noticing Inks blank face.


I did it... I finally did it. Ink thought as he stared blankly at the area, to where Error was slowly disappearing.

"I, The God of Creation, Ink. Has defeated Error!!!" Ink announced at the cliff-side of outertale. "And now to pass the great news to everyone!" Ink exclaimed as he splashed a paint on the ground, and jumped on it as he went through it like a pool.

"The destroyer is defeated? Error... is defeated?" Dream was blank and shocked from Inks news, to ever hear the words he have longed to hear.  "We have to tell this to everyone!" Dream said within joys.

"That's exactly what I'm planning." Ink agreed with enthusiasm. They walked to they're board meeting to tell everyone, Dream contacted them to the group chat to come to the meeting to hear a very important news.

"Error is defeated?" One of the Sanses said, couldn't believe the words they dread could happen.

"Error is defeated." Ink rephrased with might, and stood heroiclly. "That's why we're planning for a celebration next week, and I'll assure you it'll be the best celebration in the world!" Ink genuinely announced as everyone cheered with gladness to finally have their peace, to let the fear in destruction go.

(I would like to tell you something about the star Sanses, but I'm scared to spoil the story, so I guess you'll have to red the story to know)

Blue was in the other hand was  left unnoticed from his blank state, to hear the knews. Before Dream could notice his emotion, he left through a portal to his room and locked himself.

As everyone left the meeting room. Ink went to a creation spree.. when he finally got satisfied, he went making a new Au, and a colorful mansion for them all to party with...


In the meantime~

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