[9] Aftermath

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"That wAs the bEst lesSon so faR, I dunNo How loNg we sPent in thaT room. But I do knoW thAt, thaT's how lOng I wAnt astrOlomy leSson coulD be, or evEn lonGer! buT then Again, noNe of Us can gEt whAtever We waNt." Program said to his companions, while walking the their next class. -distraction-

The students that walked with them was quite, and listened to his every word and watched his every move. While keeping a fair distance, considering that this guy killed someone like it was nothing. They were surprised to themselves in why they're not traumatize by the fact that this odd schoolmate of theirs, just killed some holdapers, and then acted like nothing happened. What's more is they're still sticking around with him, or is it their curiosity stronger than their fear? They don't know, it doesn't even feel like they're scared, or curious.

"Why do you like astrolomy, anyway?" Gradient asked, he was meaning to ask this from the very moment he saw Program surrounded with stars when listening to the certain subject.

"I dOn't liKe astRology sHit, i juSt love taLking aboUt staRs, anD that's jusT whAt asTrolOmy has bEen scReaming.. so, I guess tHat's thE sAme?" Program explained, and mumbled the last part as he thinks.

The nerds looked at each other, then back to Program. "Why do you.. love stars?" Fresh asked pushing his glasses up like the nerd he is.

"i meAn, whO Wouldn't?" Program gave Fresh a confused looked. "tHeir likE reMinder of hOw it'S noRmal foR anYone To haVe thEir daRk tiMes. thEy may bE nOthing but a sMall liTtle doTs, bUt dEspite it bEing smaLl it sTill shiNes so BrighT.. Always sUffering, yEt, stilL shiNing... evEry one Of us is A staR... soMe Can't sHine, because they prefer to be in the light." Program turned his eyes to where he's going, but with a content expression.

Everyone was speechless for a moment. I mean, who wouldn't be shocked? A guy that beat the jocks and killed the holdapers, could see worth in little things such as stars. A stroll of silence, they walked to their next class. Cooking lessons. And Program would be so happy to cook with blue once again, despite being an Alternate Multiverse Blue, they're still Blue.

The few little students went in their room, where their Cooking Teacher awaits. Program and his companions went to their places waiting for Blue's instruction. "Hey, gUys. I've bEen meAning to asK wheRe's the oTher studeNts, 'caUse laSt tiMe i cHecked thiS sChool waS neVer iSolated." In that moment, everyone tensed up. They thought he wouldn't ask, because he was so ignorant in a different way. Everyone in the room panicked including Blue, what will they say? The truth or a lie? They swear, they aren't getting paid for this.

"Uh.. most of the students was required to go to camp, only a few of us is left.." Gradient said, in a not sure way.

"Y-yeah, I think only the smart ones are left in the school." Fresh blurted out to strengthen the lie, but only to realize that it was the worst excuse of lie in the world! And it only made the lie weaker.

Program stared at him for a moment, then glanced at the Jocks who flinched in his line of sight. "I thOught thOse guyS weRe thE dumB gRoup." Program looked at the Nerds, while pointing at the Jocks.

'Wow, rude much.' Fresh thought.

'No, he's just being blunt.' Gradient replied to the thought.

'cool, is panic giving us abilities now?' Fresh thought.

'I don't even know that's possible!'

'Fresh, in your first thought. Were you defending the Jocks? Involving PJ~?' Alphys' voice of thought butted in.

'N-no! I was just thinking that, because they have a face of money! They can always bribe some teacher to make them look smart!' Fresh defended.

'Ouch.' PJ's voice of thought butted in...

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