[17] Name of The King

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Program should be mad right now.

The octopus king is pointing out the obvious, he should've already by now. He just want Program to say it in front of this people. He doesn't know what his motives are, but it's not like he can get away with it.

This was Nightmare he's talking about.


He wasn't really close to the Nightmare teacher back in the previous multiverse, but Nightmare do play a huge part in his life. It was comforting to know, that this Nightmare was clever enough to figure it out.

"Yes." Program gave a simple reply, "Is this a problem?" he asked, daring this Nightmare to do something about it. The octopus king wasn't particularly merciful, but he wasn't impulsive. He'd be interested if this King is anything like his Nightmare

Everyone was shocked that he dared to question the Emperor's words. Nightmare was not pleased with the behavior himself, but he ignored it for the sake to understand why there was a carbon copy of his General that came out of nowhere.

"Not quite. I am simply pondering on why an alternate version of my General strays far from his Universe." He states as he gestures to Error, "You see, I consider Error to be a loyal member of my court. And I fail to understand why his counterpart would leave his home." 

"I'm not really.." Program hesitates whether he should tell him that he isn't necessarily part of Nightmare's court, as he calls it. But he was an ally, he thinks that what they want to know. "I'm not really a member of Nightmare's Group." Everyone gasped at how he casually addressed the Emperor's name, but Nightmare was more focused on his explanation. "I don't even live in the same world as him, we just bump into each other during our work. And get along from there."

Nightmare raised a brow, "What is this work you speak of, exactly?" From a different Multiverse, surely this is a job that they wouldn't expect.

Program stared back at the calculating eye of Nightmare, a familiar image he's used to. "Destroyer of Universes." He said soundly, letting the information sink into their mortal minds.

"You're job is the work of evil?"

"That's what everyone would think, I guess." he admits, "It's not like you're any different yourself, you were the King of Negativity and Nightmares, the one who feeds on suffering and despair."

"Who are you, exactly?"

"That's a funny question, I haven't heard anyone ask me that in Millennium." He chuckles a little, "But to answer your question. I am Error, God of Destruction."

Everyone that was present gasped at the was blasphemous claim. But they couldn't dare doubt him as the copy of General Error let out a suffocating aura, spreading through the air when he introduced himself. It was as if uttering his true name opened their eyes to the reality, of being in the presence of a high calamity standing before them.

A God had stood before them.

"But that was only in my Multiverse." he waves off, as if the aura he emitted wasn't anything unusual "Right here, I'm just an extension to the Program." shrugging nonchalantly as he casually tucks his hands into his coat pocket.

"You do not wish to present your title?" Nightmare asks, mindful of the guests changing emotions.

"Why would I do that?" Program was confused, as he tilts his head.

"You're a God." Nightmare points out, as if that explains in itself.

But Program, who never experienced the recognition of God from the mortals in his world, didn't understand the common sense. "Yeah. And?" he was ignorant of the ranks of Gods.

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