[11] Different Era

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Hi, Everyone!

I'm sure you had a lot of questions in the previous chapter, on why they don't remember about Program giving them gifts. Well.. worry not, it will be explained in this chapter.

I was planning to make this chapter a preview on why those 'stuff' happened, but my mind is to impatient to wait for the next chapter to see Program exploring a new Multiverse. So, I'm just gonna let Program explain it, instead of making a whole chapter of it.

This is only a note.

And to my confidence, read away the chapter! Because you'll enjoy it very much! ( ;


Program's POV

I'm not in my multiverse. If I was, I would've been lieing down on a Snow, if I were in a forest. Not an average grass, unlike in Reapertale. That has grass too healthy, and a grass decaying. If I'd land in Mobtale, this place should be filled with dirty buildings.

But no, this place is too peaceful. Not the kind of peace, that you put your effort into. It's the kind of peace, that nothing has happen yet. Which means.. this forest is uninhabited.

And an another proof that I'm not in my Multiverse, is the fact that I checked the Multiverse code. And it shows that I'm in Empireverse. It has many AU's, but not as many as in my Multiverse. The one that is tipping is the balance of Negativity and Positivity.

It seems that Nightmare reigns the Multiverse. Ink was stolen some AU's from Nightmare, and the Ink here is not as stupid as mine, and can actually think. Dream was turned to stone, giving Nightmare a lot of time to take over the Multiverse. Dream already escaped from his prison, already on halfway to fight against his brother, and bring back hopes and dreams to the Multiverse....

This Multiverse can't adjust my code in it, so I can probably get away like what happened in the NaJ Multiverse. It was easy for them to forget about me, because my code was too foreign, that the Multiverse can't adjust to it. Same as Gaster's, so pretty much everyone forgot about me, and they only remember the normal Science teacher Gaster.

Gaster also admitted that he was the one responsible to the school chaos. I don't care though, he did it for me, and I also needed that. No matter how cliché that sounds. I could imagine traumatizing BP, because I get violent. And I wouldn't have a rational thoughts now, if the 'getting along' didn't happen.

Now, back to the present. I fell in the river when I got in this Multiverse, so I had to hang my scarf and let it dry. I dont care about my clothes, my scarf is more important. I also have a souvenir from the NaJ Multiverse. It's a necklace, with a 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' symbol. The nerds sneaked this on me, I take that they choose this symbol, because of my villainy dialogue after I saved that kid. How do I know this? It's obvious, that was the only time I said Destruction.

I'll treasure this item, that world thought me about life behind the sufferings. This will be a reminder of the beginning of my freedom...

Third person's POV

Program stood up, and took his scarf hanging on a branch. The scarf was all dry, and assumed his clothes is halfway dry. He wrapped it around his neck, then proceeded to walk through the light forest.

"GastEr is gOnna be bUsy buiLding thE maChine, so Might as wEll enTertain mySelf in thiS neW muLtiverse." Program stated.

He walked and walked through the forest, until he reached at the edge of the cliff. He looked far to the vast green forest, among that forest is where one Castle stood out. Program already know it's the Empire, because.. well you know it's obvious. He jumped off the cliff without a second thought, since he isn't a noob, jumping heights like this is a piece of chocolate bar to him.

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