[18] Not a Mortal

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"What's this?" Program asks the maids that are lined up in his room, holding a bundle of clothing.

"We are here to serve, your excellency." one of the maids replied.

"Okay???" Program tilts his skull, "Is that the set Error provided for me?" he points at the bundle of cloth they are holding, already been informed of his counterpart making him clothes.

He didn't like wearing anything that isn't made by himself. "Yes, your excellence." the maid confirmed, they were all stiff and rigid.

"Let me see.." the maid presented the clothes.. "Soft.. Durable.. Flexible! I like it, feels comfy too." Program compliments, making the three maidens let out a sigh of relief. "Leave it here, I'll change into it after I'm done bathing." Program began pulling off his coat, somehow a little bit used of everyone's submission.

"Shall we prepare the bath for you?" the maid offered, which Program quickly declines.

"No, you can leave." He waves them off, as he walks through the door that leads to the bathroom.

He was not unfamiliar with bathing, but it isn't in his common routine either. The activity he had that was close to bathing was either jumping in the lake or drown, two of which is effective in his list. This is his first time bathing in an actual bathroom, but despite his inexperience, it shouldn't be that bad.

He turn the faucet making water gush into the tub. He let the water fill up the tub, while he takes off the rest of his attire. When he was fully undressed and the tub filled in hot water, he submerged himself on it.

Instantly, the water changed into a darker shade. The filth that stuck to him even after he was washed away by the river.

Program began scrubbing his bones, chipping away the thick dirt on his bones and between his joints. He was scrubbing off a lot of them, it felt like he was creating sand on the bottom of the tub. It didn't take long for the tub to look like mud water, but he continues to rub off the filth off his bones. Until none of it was left so that he can drain the tub and take a bath for the second time.

This was why he didn't let the maids fill his tub, because he will keep draining and filling up the tub over and over again, until all of this filth is gone.

The second set was not as dirty as the first, only a little bit murky, coloring from the residue of Program's filth. The hot was helping a lot with removing all the dirt a bit easier.

The third set is where he finally allowed himself to relax, submerging his body as well as his skull into the water. Anyone would say Program's version of warm water was boiling hot, but he went through worse for something like this to burn him.

He calmly lay on the bottom of the tub, experiencing quiet in the muffled effects of water. Skeletons couldn't drown, it was a fact. But he liked to pretend that he could, back in the day. To die peacefully on the muffled sound of silence of the water.

Drowning was the most peaceful way to pass.


Enough moping.

He sat up from underwater and stepped out of the tub. In this state, he could see the original color of his bones. The glow that long since been obscured by the monsters he dusted and the filth he sustained.

For the first time in his existence, he finally saw himself.

Walking out of the bathroom after drying himself, he changed into the attire that Error oh so kindly provided for him.

Then he heard a sound coming from his window, he turned to the source to see his black cat sitting there. "Meow." he opened the window to let the cat inside.

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