Part 18

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Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait - I had so much to do but I will post more regularly now. Thanks so much for all the support! I am also working on a Dacre fic, would you like me to publish it too?


Cramped in the bathroom together with Billy you couldn't keep away from him. Sloppy, needy kisses and hands touching everywhere – you only stopped when someone knocked on the door asking to use the bathroom. You wanted people to know that you two were together in the bathroom for a bit during this party – nothing more, nothing less.

Billy opened the door stepping out and you followed immediately, not even looking at the person who rushed in – he probably didn't even register that it was two people coming out instead of one. You and Billy both went your own way and soon enough you found Steve. He was nursing a drink while chatting to some of his friends. When he saw you his face lit up.

"There's my girl." He said when you came to his side.

"Hey Stevie." You have him a peck on the cheek, smiling at his friends politely. If only they knew what went on in the bathroom mere moments ago.

You chatted for a while and then decided to join the people who were dancing. Sure, the music sucked but you were getting drunk enough to not care.

Steve had his hands on you and you two danced away, making everyone's heads turn. Billy was watching, too. He looked angry, almost like his baby blue eyes had turned black. You knew this had to develop quick because neither of you could keep it up for long. With the thoughts rushing through your head you left the makeshift dancefloor to go outside for some air. You grabbed a beer on your way out and lit up a cigarette.

"Babe, why did you leave?" Steve said. You couldn't believe he followed you here. He's like a lost puppy that doesn't know when to back off even for a bit.

"Oh, I was just getting a bit of a headache, that's all." You lied.

"Should we get going then? I am starting to dislike the party anyways."

"How come?"

"I just heard some douchebag say that I was sharing my girl with Hargrove and it pissed me off. We've been together all night and you don't even talk to him, I hate when people try to make up stuff like that." He said angrily.

"Silly boys must be jealous, that's all." You replied and made your way out to his car.

The drive was short yet felt tedious. You wanted to be away from him, it was too much Steve for one day. Thankfully he dropped you off and let you go fairly quickly – you gave him a kiss and said you really want to sleep since the headache wasn't going away.

You unlocked the door as quietly as possible, hoping your father was asleep already, which he was. Once you were in your room you sighed with relief and decided to take a shower to feel better. You let the water run for a moment before stepping in and started thinking about Billy. You left without saying goodbye and wondered if he left too, once he realized you were out of there. What if he stayed and decided to hook up with someone instead? He clearly had feelings for you but seeing how mad he got when he saw you dancing with Steve was something new. You got more and more anxious so you decided to take a sleeping pill and go to bed.

Sunday went by uneventfully – you continued feeling anxious and avoiding your dad so the day was spent in your room, pacing around and trying to distract yourself.

Once Monday rolled around you were up bright and early. You wanted to see Billy, talk to him and also see if anyone else was talking about seeing you two together at the party. You drove to school and surprisingly didn't see Steve nor Billy until PE class. The girls were allowed to spend the period preparing for the upcoming test in another subject as long as they stayed in the gym. The boys, however, were playing basketball. Lucky for you, Billy and Steve both were there. As you pretended to study you overheard some of the girls whisper about you. Apparently, they heard from someone that you and Billy hooked up in the bathroom at the party right after you and Steve did it in one of the rooms upstairs and how messed up that was. You smiled, glad that the plan was working out and that soon enough Steve would hear this rumor again.

You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts because of the girls gasping. You looked up to see Billy beating the life out of Steve while the others just watched. The coach was nowhere to be seen and you knew you had to do something so you ran down to them as fast as you could. You pulled Billy away from Steve with all the force you had and saw pure rage in his eyes. You yelled for someone to get Steve to the nurse while you continued pulling Billy away from the scene, outside so he couldn't see Steve anymore.

"What the hell happened?" You asked once you were outside alone. Billy was breathing deep and not saying a word. He looked like he was ready to kill Steve and from the damage he had done – it didn't look like he was too far away from actually accomplishing that.

"Billy, are you okay?" You asked again, worried. He was not looking like his normal self.

"I'm... I couldn't stop." He said in a shaky voice. His features finally started looking softer and soon enough he looked scared instead of angry.

"Let's go to my car, your knuckles are bleeding, let me clean you up." You said and led him to your car in silence. He sat down on the hood and you quickly got the med kit from the inside, placing it near him. You didn't make him speak, you didn't ask any questions, you simply let him calm down.

"Okay, you're all cleaned up, is it okay if I go grab my stuff from the gym before they lock it? I'll grab yours too, I'm sure it's empty there anyways so nobody will know, I'll be quick." You asked. You just wanted to get your belongings and leave. It was second to last period anyways and you couldn't leave Billy like this.

"Don't leave me." Was all that he said, quietly.

"I'll be back in a minute and then we'll get out of here, okay?" You looked around to make sure nobody was there and gave him a quick kiss before running to get your stuff. You couldn't help but wonder why Billy did what he did and how you were going to explain it to Steve that you left with him, instead of taking your boyfriend to the nurse.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now