Part 7

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As you stepped in, the loud music stopped your thoughts for a second and you had to think twice about what's happening. Nancy and Jonathan made their way to the drinks and you were left to figure out what to do next.

The next thing you noticed was a hand around your waist. Before you could react or say anything Steve spoke „Hey if you don't mind I'll just hold my hand on you for a bit, I just need to make a point".

It threw you off but you were too curious to slap him right away so you asked „And what point are you trying to make exactly?"

He smiled, ran a hand through his hard and leaned in closer to you before whispering „Oh I just need to show this new kid who runs things here, don't read into it too much". As he pulled away you were left with nothing but bad emotions. You're not an accessory to whatever he's trying to do and more importantly – you knew he isn't the king of this school anymore.

Walking off to grab a drink you saw a rather large crowd gathering outside and decided to see what was going on there. Surely enough, it was the two rivals – Billy and Steve getting ready to do a keg stand. Steve was keg king for some years now yet he looked slightly anxious. He once again approached, snaked his hand around your waist and pulled you closer but you managed to escape his grip after a second. Billy was looking and he saw the whole scene. You once again felt simply wrong for letting Steve do that but instead of saying anything to him you caught Billy's blue eyes looking at you. You held contact for a few moments, he winked and gave you a smile that gave you a better buzz than the alcohol you started sipping.

Steve walked to the keg and started his performance but you couldn't care less so you simply walked away and went to the bathroom to get some quiet time for yourself. As you closed the door behind you and looked in the mirror you saw how good you were looking tonight. Yes, you were stressed because you knew your parents would be mad at you once you came back home late and drunk. And of course, the way Steve was behaving tonight was weirding you out too because you do lowkey dislike the boy.

Still, you were determined to have a good night and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Billy was an exciting new thing thrown into the usually boring mix so something good had to come out of it.

After giving your hair a little fix-up you stepped out of the bathroom into the party but you were greeted with a bare chest of a guy, covered in something that looked like a mix of sweat and beer. You looked up and saw those blue eyes yet again but this time it was more than just a gaze shared between you. Billy pushed you inside the bathroom again and locked the door behind him.

„So babe, I keep catching you looking over, is there anything you want to say?" he purred into your ear.

„Yeah, how about a proper introduction for starters?" you said with a confident smile.

„Well, I'm Billy, Billy Hargrove as you know. I'm the new keg king by the way. And your name is?"

„Mia Keller. So, what is it that you want from me, Billy" you replied and stepped a little closer to him

„What I want, Mia, is you. I saw your looks, I see your body and I also noticed we have something in common." Billy said as he also took a step, almost closing the gap between the two of you.

„Well don't leave a girl hanging, tell me, what is that thing you're talking about." As you said that Billy came even closer, making you two stand face to face.

„Harrington, obviously. I saw how you look at him and that his mere presence seems to put you off. I wanted you before I noticed that but I think having a common dislike could let us have some extra fun." He whispered inches away from your ear, making your whole body shiver. What is it with this boy? His presence leaves you weak in the knees and his smell, this mix of cologne, cigarettes and sweat makes you want to kiss him all over.

It's as if Billy noticed your thoughts and the effect he has on you. Within seconds his lips were on yours, hands around your waist, pulling you in closer and exploring your body like he's never felt another person before. You didn't care that it was just the second conversation you two had, you wanted him, he wanted you, it was as simple as that.

As things got heater and his mouth drifted away from yours, down to your neck, placing kisses that'll leave marks soon enough, you two were interrupted by someone banging on the door asking to use the restroom.

"We'll definitely have to continue this" Billy said as he licked his bottom lip.

"The conversation or the other stuff?" you replied, running your hand over his bare chest.

"Both, hopefully tonight." He said while going to unlock the door. He stepped out and you followed only to see quite a few pairs of eyes looking at you two. You didn't care, no, you felt powerful. Sure, the boy is trouble but deep down – so are you. And with the undeniable chemistry between you two and his plan that you couldn't wait to hear about – you could tell it'll be one hell of a party.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now