Part 14

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Once you got into your classroom you saw that Steve was there too so without a second thought you took a seat next to him.

„Morning handsome, ready to learn something useful today?" you said with a smirk.

„Hey Mia, absolutely but I doubt I'll be able to do that with you sitting right here." Steve smiled.

„I guess I better move then, don't want to be in your way." You said teasingly and started getting up but almost imediately felt Steve's hand holding you by your arm to stay where you are.

„I was just joking, I'm happy you're here." He said, trying to explain but you cut him off.

„I know Stevie, I was just kidding." He looked relieved and you decided it was the perfect time to lean in and kiss him on the cheek. Once you pulled away he was blushing and almost everyone that was in the classroom already was looking at you two.

„Now I'm more than just happy that you're here." He whispered and then the teacher walked in to start the lesson.

During the first period you kept looking at him with a little smile, making sure your knees or hands touch once in a while. You needed to reel him in faster simply because you wanted to destroy him faster too.

The rest of the day went by quickly and you were so focused on Steve that you completely missed Tina's announcement – she was holding a party this weekend. You only heard about it in the parking lot after school but it was somehow still to your advantage. You saw Billy leaning on the hood of his car, smoking but you didn't approach him. Sure, you gave him a look that made it clear you were thankful for pulling some strings and making the party that you asked for happen so quick but you couldn't be seen talking to him. The gossip from the last party was enough and you needed to focus on making Steve ask you to go to the party together, as his date.

As you were thinking about all that – the boy of the day came out of the school and was walking to his car when he saw you. Steve mouthed „come over" and you did just that.

„So, did you hear about Tina's party?" He asked with a huge smile, not being able to contain himself.

„I did." Was all that you said. You wanted him to lead this conversation.

„Do you think you're gonna go?"

„Well, nobody has asked me to go yet so I'll wait and see I guess." You replied with a small smile.

„That's kinda the reason why I asked you over... Would you like to go with me? Like together?" He asked and you could tell just by looking at him how nervous he was.

„You know I'd love that Steve." You said and before you could do anything he planted his lips on yours, pulling you closer to him. This kiss was almost as passionate as the ones that Billy gives you, however, you didn't feel the way you felt with Billy. With Steve everything was just forced, part of a game, not real. Thankfully Steve couldn't tell because once he pulled away he just whispered „wow" under his breath and looked at you for a moment before stepping a little bit back.

„I guess that means I'll get picked up before the party, right?" you winked and Steve kissed you quickly again, clearly indicating that he'll be there.

„Do you need a lift home? I don't see your car here." He asked, still smiling.

„Oh, my dad dropped me off this morning so he'll pick me up too a bit later, I might go study in the library or something." You lied.

„Alright well I'll see you tomorrow then Mia." Steve said as he got into his car. You smiled, waved him goodbye and walked to the side of the parking lot to smoke.

Not only you didn't have a ride back home, you didn't want to go home in general. Your dad should be back home today and knowing how pissed he was last night, today would probably be only worse. You had no desire to hear what the lawyer said or how he will proceed with the divorce and all that. You simply smoked, thinking about all those issues and getting both sad and angry at the same time. You're not a kid anymore but a sudden divorce like that kicked you in the guts.

„So, should I even ask what all of that was about?" a familiar voice asked.

„Thanks for helping me Billy but I can't tell you much, I want the finale of this whole thing to be as real as possible and the less you know the better it'll be." You smiled, taking a step closer to him.

„Just make sure you don't get hypnotized by his giant hair-do and fall in love or something." He laughed and lit up a cigarette after kissing you on the cheek.

„I couldn't, especially not now." You sighed.

„How are you feeling? Not about Steve but you know..." Billy asked, looking into your eyes.

„Scared to be honest, I think he's home already, or he should be at least, and I really don't want to deal with that. I doubt I can avoid it for forever tho so yeah." You said and felt tears roll down your cheeks.

Billy dried them off with his hand and pulled you close to him, making you release all your emotions at once. Thankfully the school was already empty because it'd be bad to be caught like this.

After crying for a few moments Billy pulled a bit away and looked into your eyes with his sky blue ones again. You were still so emotional you couldn't say anything so you just looked at him until he spoke. Quietly and softly, so unlike the persona he puts up, he said to you „I don't want you to feel scared or alone. I'm there for you now, tomorrow and forever after that. I don't know what it is about you but what I thought would be a casual friends with benefits type of thing somehow turned into so much more. For me at least. I haven't said this to any girl before but I genuinely care about you and I want you to be happy, I want to be the reason why you're happy." You could tell how hard it was for him to say all this as he really wasn't the emotional type, not openly at least. The confession and the way he was there for you in your time of need just made you cry more so you pulled him back into a tight hug and started sobbing.

„I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you Mia, don't cry." Billy whispered, a note of fear audible in his voice.

„I'm... I'm not crying because of that... your words mean the world to me Billy, you couldn't have said anything better at this moment." You pulled back, looking at him with your now red eyes and face wet from tears. That boy was the only person to care about you now and you felt the same way towards him. Emotions were running high and without even noticing you said „I love you, Billy."

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now