Part 12

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As you got changed into clean comfy clothes the fight between your parents downstairs intensified. You could hear them shouting but it was scarier, different than usual. They'd fight once in a while but you never wanted to know why – your dad would tend to get very aggressive and throw things around when he was mad so you avoided those situations. Unfortunately, this time they made it so loud it was unavoidable.

You heard them walk up the stairs and into their bedroom which was next to yours. You could make out the words „cheater" and a whole bouquet of swearwords too. Moments later you heard some glass shatter and heard someone run down the stairs and out of the door. You looked out your window and saw your mom drive away in her car.

Before you could even comprehend what happened your father swung the door open and you saw anger in his eyes like you've never seen before.

„Your bitch of a mother left to stay with her boy toy. It's you and me now. I have to go see my lawyer immediately to draw up the documents to get her out of here completely and make sure she doesn't have access to my money. Stay here and I swear if you get on my nerves you'll regret it."

You didn't say anything as you were in complete shock. This was your dad, the one that claimed to love you endlessly and never yelled at you before, not even when he was mad or threw stuff around. He left minutes later and in the same state of shock you picked up the phone and called the number Billy gave you some time ago.

„Hello, Hargrove residence, how can I help you?" Said a woman at the other end of the phone

„Um, hi, could I talk to Billy please?" You said with a shaky voice.

„Sure, one moment darling" the woman said and moments later a familiar husky voice spoke „Hey there, what's up? This isn't a very good time for me."

„Come over. Please, I need you." Those were the only words you could get out.

„What happened? Are you okay?" Billy said with worry.

„I'm okay I'll tell you when you come but I have to see you."

„I'll be right there Mi, calm down, it's okay." The boy said and hung up the phone.

As you sat on the floor near the phone you tried to understand what happened. When did your mom start cheating on your dad and most importantly – why? You always thought their disagreements were part of how they interact but you never thought they'd end up in something like this.

As your thoughts raced Steve popped in your head. Would he also get hurt like your dad did when he found out the truth? Would you make him snap at people he loves just by playing this game with him?

A knock on the door pulled you out of your head and when you opened it you saw Billy standing there. He looked tired and had a split lip but before you could ask what happened he came in and started asking you questions. You explained the situation and finally let yourself cry.

„I know a bit too well what it's like to be scared of your dad but I promise that you'll be fine. You said he never hit you, right? Sure, he yelled now but he was shocked too. How about we both take a shower and go to bed, huh? I doubt he'll come in to your room when he is back and I parked my car a bit further away so it's fine." Billy said.

„That sounds perfect, I need you close Billy. But before that – what happened to your lip?" you said as you brushed your fingers through his hair.

„That? Well, lets just say my dad does more than just yelling." He sighed. You saw the vulnerability in his eyes and the way he hesitated to answer so you decided to leave this topic for another time. The way you were both in similar situations made you feel even closer to him although you didn't even think it was possible.

After the shower you went to your bed and talked more, you told him about the date you had with Steve and how he kissed you. You could tell Billy was jealous by the way his grip around you tightened when you said that.

You felt safe and slowly drifted off to sleep not thinking about what tomorrow will bring or how you'll play fake nice with Steve. You weren't even sure you wanted to do that anymore.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now